Classic isn't worth playing if you don't do GDKPs

Except i didnt ask a question, on either of these quotes lol. Talk about fried hahahaha

You didn’t have to, just by you making such a dumb statement I figured I’d educate you.

What exactly are the basics?

What exactly are the basics?

Dude its ok, you embarassed yourself by being completely out of touch with the conversation and answering questions that frankly dont exist… you dont have to get angry about it hahaha

I believe exactly none of this. Not that it can’t happen in general, just that it didn’t happen for you.

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Now? Lol I’ve had this issue since MC.

That’s because you live under a rock.

I’ve not seen this sort of thing.

Is this just a mega server thing?

This is you right?

This is you also right?

I’m confused how you have a 4k GS when you don’t buy from a gdkp, can’t pug because everyone wants casters, and find a carry slot as a fury warrior which is bottom of the barrel dps.

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Because gear falls from the sky, doesn’t take anyone with over 2 brain cells to walk into Naxx and figure that out.

I never said I can’t get into pugs, I said it’s difficult L2Read.

Because of the 4k GS also which I acknowledged here:

You don’t need to be a super high DPS spec to carry raids, Wrath is designed for monkeys.

Dude… you didnt have to absolutely destroy him like that, but im kinda glad you did lol

This doesn’t seem like you saying it’s hard to get into runs, you make it seem like it’s impossible.

That’s because you’re incapable of understanding nuance so you interpret things like a child, that whole post is about how plate DPS in general will find it hard to get raid spots as time goes on due to how many play it which is true.

If I said the only hope for you to get rich is to win the lottery, would you call that nuanced?

If I said that your guild name describes your perpetual mental state would that be a lie? Stop being a bozo and learn to argue in good faith.

You’re cherrypicking random statements of mine to make a point that I dismissed within seconds lmao

You have been exposed. You don’t do Carries. You don’t raid. You probably don’t even play wrath. What you DO though, is make 2000 posts on a level 10 retail character since September 1st. Let that sink in.

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I’ve foreseeing this and decide to play in a fresh server.

No one is extremely rich like the ones in Sulfuras o Benediction.

By who? The only thing you exposed here is that you read my posts too much and can’t form an argument to save your life.

You’re about as dense as this guy:

And he got :poop: on 3 replies in lmao.

Lmk when you can actually articulate yourself past a 1st grade level and we’ll try this again sweetie.

I’m sorry, I don’t have the option of writing in crayons for you. That feature won’t be added until cata classic.