Classic isn't worth playing if you don't do GDKPs

I’m currently 204ilvl and have 90 parse avg as aff I should be able to get in as a carry no? I never did a gdkp before so I have no clue… so top dps get more gold or something and get to buy things too?

Not the point bucko

Its worth playing even if you don’t do GDKPs… which are a very small portion of all the raids happening right now.

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Yeah it’s actually insanely cheap lol, most working adults wouldn’t flinch at buying 100k+ and stockpiling it at those prices which makes sense why GDKPs are booming now.

But yeah the bot crisis def sucks, 61-70 BGs are literally unplayable and now they’re entering 70-80 BGs too lmao.

I even seen some roaming around Northrend.

Nah top DPS doesn’t get a special cut, only the tank and organizer.

But I have worse gear than you and fury is a far worse performing spec and I get invited to carry all the time, next time you see a GDKP just network with them and let them know you wanna carry and join their discords. If you’re a pumper they’ll always invite you.

Well yea but why wouldn’t you GDKP? Gold price is insanely low, people are spending gold like crazy and it’s very easy to join as a geared carry. Way more gold than dailies or questing will ever get you.

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I wonder if on WOTLK Classic mega servers, if there are enough gold sinks to continue on. What if every player becomes gold capped. How many alts can people roll to sink gold into.
I’m interested to see how it plays out.

The majority of the players that use GDKPs stopped playing Classic WoW years ago.


Might be a foreign concept to you since all you do all day is rage on forums about RDF and complain about Wrath dying, but i enjoy playing with friends instead of a bunch of randoms gathered from OnlyPugs.

Besides, i dont need that much gold and its easier to farm than ever lol.

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On what realm? Over here on Sulfuras everything is so cheap that gold is basically irrelevant.

In a year from now inflation will be so crazy that nobody will do anything for gold. You will have to farm for stuff if you want it.

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That’s cute but it doesn’t mean GDKPs aren’t popular or a lot of people aren’t doing it per your original comment.

Sounds like guilds are for you OP!

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Find a good, compatible guild community that shares your play values & that’s not true. But, choose to live the LFG channel thug life & you will get dirty & disillusioned if you aren’t a fellow sociopath.

No one is forcing you to do GDKP. On eranikus we have multiple pug leaders that use the MS over OS formula.

Things run smooth. And we don’t have nearly the amount of gold buying the original WOTLK did. People are just more open about it now.

I have never once participated in a GDKP and made 99% of all my gold from alchemy

Fresh server my dude. You don’t have these problems there

This is beautiful. Bravo!

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Explain what basics you can’t afford?

Food buffs: doing your cooking daily routinely should give you more than enough to cover weekly raids, and you don’t need spice food to go through heroics.

Flasks: 5 flasks per week to cover raiding, probably less, if you’re not bad. So like 50-100 gold a week. Depending on prices.

Potions: this one can get spicy, if you’re bad, and wipe a lot. But even assuming 50% wipe chance. You’re looking at 3 potions per boss, so 36 bosses per week if you do 10 and 25 man variants. 108 potions at 5-7 gold per potion. So like 650 gold a week.

Weekly cost should be around 750 gold. But you should be getting nearly 360 just from killing the bosses. 70 from cooking dailies, and 700 from doing daily heroics.

That’s cute but the game is still worth playing and both loot and gold is easily accessible even if you dont do GDKP`s which is the central point of this conversation. Try to keep up please

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Who said it’s not? GDKPs just make the game easier and more efficient.

Reread the title of the thread, you seem a little lost mate.

The title is just OP’s opinion, I can see their point of view and I don’t dismiss it despite how I feel because that’s how opinions work lol

Just answering your question because you seemed lost, that’s all… Too many hate threads are confusing you i see.

And I answered yours:

Too many fried takes hurt your sense of reality it seems.