Classic isn't worth playing if you don't do GDKPs

Looks like Classic won’t even last until cata classic considering how many already quit, you’re playing a dogwater version of the old Wrath and think you’re making some kind of grand point.

You got a month until DF drops and the only people left on Wrath will be boomers and DK bots the way it was intended.

And then DF will launch and classic wrath will be fine, and then anyone quoting you will be told that they are incapable of understanding nuance, and they are cherry picking your posts.

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I mean idk how you can say Wrath is fine when 3 weeks in all the 1 - 70 zones are dead and 70 - 80 zones are drying up, most people at 80 are raidlogging because the game is easy af and has no depth outside of Naxx and Heroics that no one needs anymore.

Not to mention gold is like 4 bucks now and half the population of Wrath might as well be DK bots since Blizzard can’t ban them as that would only strengthen the idea that Wrath has no one playing it lol

It’s alright though, every new patch people will come back and faceroll it and raidlog. That’s what Classic was intended for, a nice little arcade mini game.

What is wrong with raid logging? I raid log now unless I want to level an alt. Raid logging allows you to…you know… do real life stuff?

Nothing but don’t act like it’s a good thing either, it means there’s virtually no content to do outside of just logging off. And there’s very little people leveling alts, the 70-80 grind the first time was already horrible enough and without RDF there’s no reason to do it all over again a 2nd time for most people.

Even on Retail when people raidlog it’s seen as a lack of end game content, you can justify it all you want but a good game keeps people going not gives them the option to just leave lmao

lol wut? I have never touched a single gdkp in my entire history of playing classic, and I’ve had a good time. My only complaint is, always has been, and will indefinitely continue to be: I hate layering.

sure you’re not just in another phase? zones are packed for me and I’m not even on a mega realm. confirmation bias is a thing you show up with a lot in yours and others threads.

I expect playing will pick up in the next few weeks. People are still recovering from the crazy first 2-3 weeks of release. RDF leveling is not faster than questing with heirlooms and epic flying, and you have access to that right now.

In the thread where I talk about a ton of people also saw the same results as me, you probably don’t care though considering your own confirmation bias.

This might be the 3rd dumbest thing you’ve said this whole thread.

This would be the 2nd.

You really should switch up your alts if you are going to be trolling this much.

Nah, trust the forum dweller on his level 10 retail character over all these level 80s actually playing the game.

He is surely more reputable and knows better than all of us.

Just gonna come out as rude that fast, damn. Your sub cant expire soon enough. Also thank you for dodging the question.

Can’t speak for anyone else but def better than your gray parses lmao, how do you go so low on parse as a DK on Naxx of all content? Were you just AFK?

Funny how i’m rude when you threw that at me first.

Inb4 post on your main if you are going to talk about parses

I threw nothing lmao, asked a question and brought up the recurring trends in your threads. Take it as you will, you have a professional victims mentality.

Mhm keep lying:

All I said was you had confirmation bias too, you said it first not me.

This is why we rerolled fresh on skyfury. No gdkps. Raid scene is thriving. Community feels natural and interactive. Also high pop and competitive.

Come on over! We’d love to have ya.

You do realize that anyone can look up my parses and know that is not true right?

Or do you not only not play the game but also have no idea how warcraftlogs works? lol

Doesn’t apply to my statements when I can legit go and find it in everyone of your threads as can others. You are legit just saying “nu uh no you” as a response and expect to be taken seriously?

Do I have to post links to all your threads now too?

