Classic isn't worth playing if you don't do GDKPs

Gold buyers won. Everthing is inflated and too expensive now. Dailies and professions aren’t enough to cover it. Have to do gdkps to get enough gold to cover the basics now.


Hmm, this isnt the case on my server at all. I don’t doubt your experience, and I’m sure glad my server isnt plagued with this problem.

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Yep it’s always been this way, Classic is a P2W paradise.


Considering all the loot available and how easy the content is…I can’t imagine stuff going that high in GDKP other than KT25/Malygos/Sarth3D loot.

SR and MS/OS loot have resurfaced for this phase and for good reasons. I always do GDKP but I have to admit this phase isn’t very interesting gear wise.


My Naxx pot last night on Grobb was 165k.

Pretty similar here, about 150k (about 6k each), things didnt go for very high but there’s a lot of gear so payout is still good at the end, at least for now.


Mine either. It was 168 gold for a stack of 20 flasks last night; they’re so cheap right now I pop them for everything.

Apparently on Bene each tier goes for 10k, their pots are absolutely insane compared to ours like almost double our size.

Bene is the RMT server by far lol, everything is inflated here

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What is the cost of your basics!?

Yeah lol but I think that’s what OP is also talking about.

I play on a mega server and havnt seen a single GDKP

Im almost full BIS, and i have never stepped into one.

Calling fake news on this one boys


what do you even need gold for besides 10g flasks

Bro I’m on your same server and did a 150k pot 25M Naxx last night, there’s multiple going on from OnlyPugs this week and they all hit in the 200k range every time.

There’s a massive GDKP community on our server.

from faerlina discord you could see trinket/weapons and tier items going for +10k gold, some people are just rich to pay tons of thousands for any boss loot.

On a side note, I saw this today and lol’d irl

i’ve been doing VOA 25man as 10players class spec, but i guess some people love to pay for the free items.

I have seen some pots on Grobb go past 300k already. I’m contemplating doing them as a carry because I can’t afford buying anything rn and it’s way faster to gear up compare to guild runs in my case.

Massive DK botting on every server dropped gold prices by half of what they were in TBC, I still get gold seller spam to my mailbox daily.

When it’s that cheap it makes sense a ton of people are buying in bulk and getting BiS.

Dude 100% join as a carry, I joined as a warr with 4k fury GS and I was able to carry it fine and generally you get really good players who are either benched and need specific prices or you’ll get whales on fresh toons looking to kit themselves out.

I don’t raid unless it’s a GDKP now a days lol.

well…i have to say that bots existed on fearlina since week 1 of classic 2019, i’ve seen the flying bots around EPL/WPL while i was leveling 3years ago, also i’m aware of gold price being too cheap, 1k gold is like 4$ Now so i guess that any player would find it easier to buy gold and join gdkp to get gear.

Sung to the tune “Sailing” by Christopher Cross:

Takes me away to where I heard the phat lewts would be.
Just some gold and chads to carry me, soon I will be l33t.