Classic Era Server

Since I am not interested in playing Classic Wrath, I thought I would reroll on the Vanilla era pve server. I installed the CensusPlus mod so I could get a good idea of how many people are on it.

It looks like there is a 2:1 Alliance:Horde ratio with about 2000ish alliance toons and about 1000ish horde toons. This looks like a progressed server, so maybe 30% of all toons are level 60, which means the leveling process looks mostly solo, but there is raiding at 60. WoW is designed to allow solo leveling so I’m not really concerned about 1-59. There are two Alliance raiding guilds and one Horde raiding guild, so it seems that opportunities for doing endgame content exist.

Anway, I am curious if anyone in this forum is currently playing on the Classic era server at level 60 and what their experience is like. I sort of like the idea of progression being capped at Naxx anyway. There is already a lot to do in Vanilla and not being rushed to complete it before the next phase/expansion feels like I will have time to enjoy the social aspect of the game. I could be wrong! We’ll see.

edit: oof, posting on my Classic 60 toon that is now stuck in limbo. I am releveling him on Classic era since I couldn’t transfer.


I play on one of the smaller clusters in Classic Era on the NA PvP East holding together Benediction/Faerlina/Heartseeker/Incendius/Netherwind. In these 5 connected realms I think our guild is the only active one for the Horde faction. I can’t speak for the Alliance side but they are briefly spotted every now and then. We have a couple raid/r13+ geared members but a lot of us are fresh 60s or still in the middle of the lvling process. It’s been fun watching the team grow in size and strength but we’re still just dungeon-diving atm. Raiding is a lofty goal for the future but its kinda nice being effectively in phase 1 of 6 (excluding a couple uber-geared toons) with plenty of stuff left to accomplish.

Also best of luck on recovering your toon!

Edit: wew lad, today’s been a crazy dungeon diving bonanza that started with a simple dip into lbrs to collect the first gem for our shaman’s UBRS key. We ended up doing the full dungeon as 5 and then 10 to get both lower/upper wings, and a Jed kill. All while having time to squeeze in a scholomance to be rewarded with a total of not one, not two, but THREE end-boss epics: Headmaster’s Charge, Robe of the Void Pattern, and the Blackblade of Shahram!


I don’t mind starting fresh. If I didn’t enjoying playing WoW, I wouldn’t have come back for Classic after being out of the game for years and years!

I originally thought about rolling on Wrath to get the full pre-Cataclysm experience, but then I started reading threads on it and was reminded of all of the cruft added to the game starting around mid-TBC, so I decided against it. After all, who tf is nostalgic for farming dailies and badges? I guess some people, but not me.


To my knowledge East Coast PvE servers for alliance are pretty good for classic era. With planned BGs every Friday and Weekends with all raids still being run at peak hours.


Here’s a snip from the bluepost about Classic Era’s realm connection:

Yeah so the NA PvE East receive free transfers from other PvE realms onto Mankrik while the PvP West gets free transfers onto Whitemane. So (for PvE) if you’re in either Mankrik or any of the other realms in that cluster (Ashkandi, Pagle, Westfall, and Windseeker) you will likely see the largest pool of players for that server type. Similarly, (for PvP) if you’re in Whitemane or any of the other realms in their cluster (Anathema, Arcanite Reaper, Bigglesworth, Blaumeux, Fairbanks, Kurinnaxx, Rattlegore, Smolderweb, and Thunderfury) you’ll likely find the largest group of PvP folks there.

My advice for anyone looking for a place to play is to roll a lv 1 on any prospective realm cluster and talk to the locals to get a feel for what the realm culture is like.


I found this cluster to be nice for Alliance.


I play on Westfall and it’s pretty nice

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so if I’m on Mankrik, then we will be on the same server? I see a lot of people on other servers in the open world

Yes, that’s right. It’s a server cluster made up of those five servers. You should see the name of their server by their ingame name. If you’re on Mankrik, you’ll be able to send mail to and from the other servers in that cluster, and group with them. It’s really like being on one big server.

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just fyi, as a druid what spec are you pvp’ing in? It seems to me that balance is probably the best pvp spec for the class so I’m planning on building up a balance set for when I get to 60.

There is encore and loot the dog are the alliance and horde guilds. There is always demand for naxx though so getting into such a raid will be difficult.

But suppose you want to play an enhance or ret. You might have to heal to get a spot as certain classes are meme specs.

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Yea balance offers a lot. It has been a while since this toon specced specifically for pvp. He mostly assists with dungeons as a fat feral tank now.

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I have run enough raids to know that having a deep bench is a godsend for ensuring raids happen on time. And if that bench has healers, all the better.

Once I get to 60, I’ll obviously be healing for raids as a druid. I’m not interested in being carried lol

Whitemane Horde is doing pretty good, my guild alone had 72 online yesterday.
Both Horde and Alliance were raiding Nax simultaneously a couple days ago.

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that’s the classic era pvp server, correct?

Yea, that’s the PvP one.

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The Era servers are a ghost town. Once transfers from SOM to Era open, the population will get better. But as of right now, it’s dead. Like, 100-150 players at peak hours. I log on around 8am-2pm and there’s about thirty level 60s online. Just level a character on SOM to get the benefit of 100% exp and gold, then xfer to Era when it opens. Take this time to farm mats until the population elevates if you don’t want to level on SOM.

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Not everyone wants to skip through content with accelerated XP.


Then get 0 player interaction until level 60. Be my guest. Era is currently a single player game. SOM at least has the ability to find players for a dungeon or elite quest. Era is a wasteland until SOM transfers open up.

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That sounds like a terrible server culture. I would advise playing on a realm that is more supportive instead of just using you to fill a raider slot.

I run dungeons with my guildies everytime I logon at all level ranges.

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