Where does Classic end and Retail begin?

They literally have 0 value when you exclusive your game into oblivion. A game that has moved heavily in retail towards collections will have a health decline when exclusive andys toss a fit about every item they dont want other people to have. If your enjoyment of your pixels is rooted in someone else not having them you must be really fun to be around. As someone who has all mage tower skins, both weapons and armor, i couldnt care less if they reoppend the challenges for people to do. Theyve already proved they can instance zones based on lvl.

As for classic, again, if you got the items in classic, you did the exact same things that we did 18 years ago. No reason why that cant be represented on your retail account. You did the thing. Or should we just say things like, ‘maybe your parents should have thought about that before you were born at an inconvenient time to do a wow thing’

I think its pretty simple.

When the company got WOKE

Not at all. Me and my guildies are having a ball in the Classic Era East PvP cluster. If Bliz is to make novel content for Classic WoW lets see em create Phase 7!

Retail definitely starts in cata, thats when automated systems took over, cash shops became more relevant, player base dropping. Its the end of wow and I will laugh as blizzard does it all again. Actually the definition of insanity.


Every Classic expansion is another opportunity to sell another Deluxe Edition, another boost, and get a brief influx of players.

That’s the only reason this thing is still going.

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This linked thread has some useful information about the Classic Era (max level 60, Phase 6/6) realms. Both Classic Era and the wotlk progression realms have identical server names. Some key takeaways are:

  • Realms are clustered according to type (PvE or PvP) and timezone (Oceanic, West Coast, East Coast)
  • Some realms receive free transfers
  • Instanced PvP (Battlegrounds) combines all Classic Era clusters together so queues will be identical no matter where you choose to call home

My advice is to roll a lv1 on any prospective cluster and chat with the locals to get a feel for each communities’ culture.

Transmog is the line.

What a very odd and absurd comment to make. You’ve just compared getting a Season 1/2/3 rank 1 arena title back in 2007 to getting one in 2022. That is just absurd and you know it.

What a VERY absurd statement to make “They literally earned it in the same way people in retail earned it” Ummmm no, no they did not.

Notice how EVERYONE has an Amani War Bear? I can assure you, on my server at least, that not every single soul had that mount back in the original TBC and here you are saying people should get it for completing the run on a 2022 version.

You have some serious thinking to do.

I think there’s value in all the expansions, depending on who you asked. Personally, I expect my classic journey to end with WotLK. After that I kinda wanna spend some time on Classic Era. I think there’s some fun to be had there with that particular design, though I would really love to see Classic+ there with minimal class balance tweaks and new, appropriately designed side-grade dungeon and raid content.

I don’t really want to play Cata and onwards. Not to say that I didn’t have some great fun in those expansions (there were some fantastic raids!!), but their either still too fresh or just not endearing enough for me to want to engage with. I think other folks have a different opinion.

I’d love to see Blizzard treat Classic like BF 2042 did with their portal mode. Just have all past expansions available for players to play if they want to. Keep the servers small, limited to one server cluster that dynamically sizes itself to the player count. Yea, layers and cross-realm, but if Era is any indication, not a ton of folks are going to likely to engage with a past expansion outside the curve. This is ok, just give 'em a place to play.

Then Blizzard can continue the classic run if they want to and players can just play where they want.

WoW ended at WotLK. Everything after that is a spin off series.

Thanks for all the responses. Lots of good ideas. Koality threads with Koality ideas may attract Koality devs to review and consider. Let’s enjoy it while we can eh?

Did you not have to play arena games in tbc classic to get glad or rank 1? Because thats the activity you had to do in 2007. Yes im being reductive,

Either way, fine, dont allow a merge when its done, let it wither to nothing and your achoevements can sit on an empty server on a dead game mode. Would that make you more happy?

To me retail started at the end of cata and the mop on. Yeah trees were changed. But they are already talking about a stat squish with wrath gear which to me makes cata automatically different because i wont be a hunter with 50k health.

Also with the gear stat squish in wrath maybe they look at adding to the talent trees like instead of a point per lvl in cata we get 1 at 82 1 at 84 and 1 at 85 for the current talent trees.

This is helpful, I was unsure of when those changes happened.
If I logged into a game with completely different “class toolkits” and different animations and models, I would quit that day.
Star Wars Galaxies saw this way back in the day with the combat upgrade, Planetside saw this way back in the day, don’t fundamentally change the visual and mechanical function of the game is what I would need.

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Blizzard has poorly managed all of their classic servers/content. Private servers have better management of their servers and content than blizzard which is absolutely insane that a multi-billion dollar company can be so incompetent. I have to remind myself Blizzard is now the McDonalds of Gaming. Mass Distribution, stock values, poor quality and poor customer service.

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The fact the WoD is the main choice of players leveling in retail should tell people how good it almost was.

They just made it so they can balance a class/spec easier instead of taking three talent trees into consideration.

WoD could have bin good the dungeons were nice the leveling was good zones unique raids solid just the way they implemented systems and the drought killed it no one wanted garrisons so op you never need to leave them

Classic ends with Wotlk, it’s the trilogy, everything else is retail. Lotr, Star Wars, the Matrix, the classic experience ends after the first trilogy. This is an unspoken rule of the universe.

The problem with this is there are many retail QoL features that would benefit even classic WoW.

The latest expansions aren’t plagued with QoL features. The latest expansions are plagued with a very thin content drip via excessive timegating. Most people feel their time being wasted, so quit or play classic. The end of expansions are always the best in retail lately because it’s when the timegates are opened and players are allowed to progress at their rate and have fun.

The problem with trusting them to determine what works and doesn’t work from retail is they don’t like to admit fault, so they blame the QoL things players ask for and will ignore their timegating decisions that drives players away.