<Clan Wolf> Fri/Sat, 6-9 PM EST [3/12 H]

Heyo everyone~

Clan Wolf has gone from a 5-man group of friends to a raid guild building in numbers and flourishing in community. We’ve grown so much in the time we’ve spent together. Our guild is built on a cohesive group of friendly, positive individuals who value a relaxed atmosphere while downing bosses. As our goal is to build a loyal group of friends, we are willing to teach and be patient with individuals interested in raiding.

Outside of raids, we also run Mythic + dungeons, do transmog runs, and achievement hunt. We also play many games outside of WoW, which include: Diablo III, HoTs, Torchlight II, 7 Days to Die, Destiny 2, FF14, and Ark Survival Evolved (where we run our own server).

Raid schedule: Fri/Sat, 6-9 PM EST.
Our goal for Ny’alotha is to clear heroic and, if there is enough interest, down mythic bosses.

Raid spots: Healers / DPS

Tanks: filled
Healers: open
Damage: open

Experience: The guild is 9/9 H, 2/2 H, 3/9 M BoD, and 3/12 H. Several of us have been together for the past couple of expansions, which yielded AOTC achievements and Mythic experience throughout.

Feel free to contact me with any questions: Sarovok#1163

Hope to chat soon~ <3


Guild got their Uldir achievement mounts last weekend! Cruising in style now with our bi-pedal turnips :smiley:



Prepping ingredients for a yummy feast tomorrow.

Warning: incoming food coma!

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Happy US Turkey day all!

Hey everyone!

We’re currently still looking for a few DPS and 1 or 2 healer to continue with our Mythic progression.

We managed to down the first 2 mythic bosses and get a good amount of tries on our 3rd, but we unfortunately had to put a stop on our progression for the moment due to a few numbers of raiders jumping ship to Horde.

For now, we keep clearing Heroic (~1-2 hours maximum) and we’re looking for other activities whilst we find more players to continue with mythic (maybe an alt raiding day?).

We’re not elitists and welcome anyone that enjoys raiding just as we do, but we do ask for the bare minimum and mutual respect of playing with each others (show up to raids, research your class and the fights, etc…)

Feel free to reach out to us if you have any question!


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Still looking for any ranged DPS and maybe a few melee (DH/Ret).

We’re looking for any healer, but a paladin and priest would be really nice!

Have a good weekend everyone.

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We’re still in need of more DPS and healers.
Found a few new friends, hopefully we get back to 20 as soon as possible to get back on our progression. If the worst is to come, we will just slowly get our roster together for the next raid in 8.1


Come on 8.1! It can’t quite get here fast enough.

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Free bump :slight_smile:

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Come join us! :>

Today began the Valentine’s Day dungeon spam.

One day, rocket. One day.

Bump Bump! Join Us!!

Hey peoples~

The guild has been on hiatus for about two months due to real life events, but we’re back and scheduled to continue mythic content this sat/sun (June 1-2).

We’re hoping to recruit some ranged DPS! The struggles of melee this expac are real. Feel free to contact us for a chat. <3

405 Mage and 409 Resto shammy looking for a home. You guys still seeking these roles?? if so #Mikey12726

Heyo Mikey~

I sent you a bnet friend request. You two would be welcome to join us, so feel free to message me with any questions.

Hope to chat with ya!

Other guy said guild is dead. Whats the current status?

Our raids have been on hiatus for the past two months, due to a combination of real life and general raider boredom. We are scheduled to continue mBoD this Sat/Sun (June 1-2).

Hello there, my guild did the same thing, so I decided to go back alliance and reboot. I’m currently leveling, I’ll be 120 tonight. Let me know if you need a skilled warlock, your raid times and days are perfect, since I works nights, Monday- Friday.
my btag is Rkstar#1393

Heyo Rkstar~

Everyone loves warlocks, and people can help gear you through M+

I sent a bnet friend invite, so I’ll catch ya later.

Hello! We are looking multiple DPS and heals to fill our raid team roles for 8.2 content. Come join us!!