Chat reports being abused

This is false. Players cannot ban other players.

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Wrong once again!

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Players cannot ban other players.

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Players can temp ban other players and without an appeal it’s permanent!

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This is completely false. Players cannot ban other players, even temporarily. Players do not have GM banning powers with extra steps.

Players cannot ban other players.

You are arguing with trolls.
They know this is true but argue anyway.
All one has to do is read the CS forums for less than 5 hours, pinpointing on:

  1. Any post that has the reference to ban, suspended or automated.
  2. Any post that a Blizzard CS employee has responded to.
  3. Read the OP rant (plus how they should be nominated for sainthood)
  4. Scroll down to the Blue Post and read the responses.
  5. Engage reading comprehension skills.

READ the blue response carefully and pay attention to what the Blue stated. 3rd sentence in CS lays it out.
Warning removing your fake faux news cap and actually having reading comprehension skills and intelligence are required

Mass Reporting Automatic Bans - Support / Customer Support - World of Warcraft Forums (

Continuing the discussion from Mass Reporting Automatic Bans:

BTW: This is just one example of hundreds that people claim. Interestingly enough, none of you (expect 1 person in this thread) posted the question in CS and of course CS confirmed. They know who they are :wink:


That’s why I’m putting in about 10-15 seconds for each response now.

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Because it’s already been through human review. Once a name has been reviewed and determined to be against the naming policy, a player reusing that exact same name does not require another human to make a decision that the first human has already made. The system already knows that this name has been flagged to be against the rules and thus the enforcement kicks in because a human review already exists for that name.

Sure one can say “but that’s automated” which is both correct and deliberately ignorant. It’s only automated after a human has reviewed it. The same offense (not necessarily the same offending player) does not require a human to review it each and every single time. That and squelching is the most automation you’ll find.


Then why does the system silence/ban someone with enough reports?
It’s been a thing since the automated system first went live in WoD.

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It will silence you with enough reports for 1 day.
During that silence person a GM will review the logs to determine if the silence is warranted or not and if it, they will apply the proper amount of penalty. Depending on how many actions are against your account (across all of Blizzards IPs associated with your account) the action may range from 2 weeks to account closing. You get tougher and tougher penalties the more things you do wrong, and they never go away (except warnings).

The automatic squelch (chat mute) from player reports went live in May of 2007.

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You do realize there are literal youtube videos of 50+ people reporting one person on purpose leading them forced offlines and bans ya?

Streamers have been doing it since 2019 to prove a point.

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A character being booted offline to apply the account level automatic squelch that Blizzard has never denied exists is not the same as a ban that has never been proven to be automatic, because…

Players cannot ban other players.


I recall the first vid during WoD, he told his group to do it for saying “I love WoW”.
Was dc’d less than 30 seconds later, was silenced for at least 24 hours.

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Congratulations! You recall the system that has existed since 2007 and Blizzard has always admitted exists. This is not a ban, however.

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bans =/= silences.
Repeat after me:
bans do not equal silences.

Say it slowly, bans do not equal silences.

Maybe not, but it was still an automated response due solely to player input, in seconds.

There was no ingame way to report that led to any automatic silence or other consequence until WoD when people started doing videos about it.

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This is completely false. The automatic chat mute has existed since May of 2007. This is what happens when you get your information from a streamer who doesn’t care about facts and only cares about money and clicks.

I’ll clarify, “chat ban”.
Personally have never heard of or seen a playtime ban solely from player reports.

There was literally no way to report someone ingame.
Click–report was not there until much later.