Chat reports being abused

I recently got a 3 day suspension for what turns out was a mass report by a GM and his officers. It was triggered by me naming a toon what turns out is his RL name. Something I had no idea about. Blizz never told me why I was suspended, but an ex officer in his guild reached out and told me after my ban was up. This is an abuse of the mass reporting system that is mostly automated and decided by number of reports, not actual actions


There are no mass reports leading to 3 day suspensions with out you having said, done something in chat (or name, etc). The mass report thing is the flat earth conspiracy of WoW, it just won’t go away.

If you are curious what you were suspended for, pop into Customer Support forums and nicely ask for some clarification. A Blue may come along and offer some, but it never makes the asker look good (or innocent), so yah…


Oh yeah dude, it’s surely just a massive coincidence. Post in the CS forum so they can tell us the truth.


Not true. It happens daily on Grobbulus. The big pvp guilds mass report each other and people are banned without anything inflammatory being said


Absolutely false.

Players can’t ban other players. Players can automatically squelch (chat mute) other players. Players cannot ban or suspend each other.


they simply mass report with a bunch of their guildies and then the system bans you. there is no live person checking these reports, it’s an auto ban after a mass report


This is a lie. Player reports can only automatically squelch (chat mute) you. Players cannot ban other players. Multiboxers do not have GM banning powers. Groups of players are not volunteer GMs.

If player reports could automatically ban other players, why has no one ever seen a bot go offline after reporting it? Hundreds of thousands of bot reports going out monthly and no one has ever seen their report being the final one needed to ban a bot.

It takes a very small amount of critical thinking ability to understand this.


Wrong, recently a streamer payo was banned for “hacking” after a test in which his viewers mass reported him, thankfully he’s a big streamer and got it overturned but this is absolute proof that blizzards bans are handled automatic as well, this takes a very small amount of critical thinking to research what a shame you lack it. Keep in mind Einstein I do mean permanent account closure for hacking not a squelch as you seem to infer as the only powers players have with reporting. The truth is wow is incredibly understaffed and almost everything support related is handled automatically now this includes squelches, suspensions, and bans.


Players can’t ban other players. This is a fact, you not believing it doesn’t change that. You can believe it all you want but you shouldn’t spread disinformation or you could possibly catch a suspension here.


Wrong, it’s automated and you will be suspended/banned until further review this was proven in payos stream you bootlicking doesn’t change that.


Players can’t ban other players. Having common sense is not “bootlicking.” Tell your parents you want a refund.


Players themselves cannot, no.

But a large group of players can mass report someone for the same thing and the automated system will just assume that since its mass reported that its actually true.

It has been proved a couple times through experimentation. Not sure why you’re taking such a firm stance on something that has been proved to be true.


It has not been proved. I’m sorry you people have no critical thinking ability whatsoever.

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Directly ban obviously not but with enough players you can trigger an automatic ban, you can remain an ostrich if you want but if you’re gonna keep ur head in the sand keep it down there and stop talking about things you know nothing about.


This is categorically false. Players do not have GM banning powers with extra steps. Multiboxers do not have GM banning powers.


You’re just plain wrong and there’s evidence to be found proving otherwise so I’ll ignore your mundane points from now on have a good night.


I’m not wrong and I greatly dislike people who have no idea what they’re talking about pretending they do. Players can’t ban other players. Sorry you were manipulated by your streamer friend.

Ignoring facts is something you seem quite content to do, good luck in life, you’re gonna need it.


Must be tough living life when you hate yourself so much

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Yeah, im out. Obvious troll is obvious. Reported and o7

Lets do another test of their automated system for the forums.