Mass Reporting Automatic Bans

Looking at the chat, Yolotree, it seems it was a bit more than just saying to meet in the middle and turtle.

While you don’t appear to use inappropriate language, you do get a bit inappropriate here and there. Not to mention using capslock for all of this.

This was by no means automated. You weren’t penalized because a bunch of people reported you. You were penalized because a bunch of people reported you and we found the behavior warranted the penalty.

We have provided warnings, Yolotree. While it has been some time since you earned a social penalty, you appear to have received several of them before. Our penalties stack, meaning they will continue to become more sever and/or longer in duration.

I can’t speak for those that may have reported but I imagine after years of simply ignoring certain behaviors folks have gotten a little tired of it. So, they are using the tools that are available to them to report what they feel may be inappropriate or toxic behaviors.

Any Game Master who might happen to see this post won’t be able to pull your ticket. Posting here is not an appropriate means of appealing the penalty. You will need to wait for your appeal to be reviewed.