Chat reports being abused

I’m sorry, you are completely wrong.

Finally, once a number of reports for an individual account have been sent to us, that account will be temporarily prevented from broadcasting any further text to anyone. The duration of this “squelch” is long enough for the game master team to investigate and take more severe action against the account if necessary.

"I love licking boots and everything a corpo says is true regardless of the fact that they have financial incentives to lie me.

Also everyone who disagrees with me is a troll"

How’s boot polish taste?

Also I regret to inform you, you’re wrong!

Where was the ingame report option?

Clicking on a player had no such thing.

Finally, once a number of reports for an individual account have been sent to us, that account will be temporarily prevented from broadcasting any further text to anyone. The duration of this “squelch” is long enough for the game master team to investigate and take more severe action against the account if necessary.

The automatic chat mute has existed in-game since May of 2007.

You are correct, mass reporting can result in a 1-day silence - and I have in fact seen a video on it.

The streamer was trying to prove he could get banned from mass reporting. His followers all reported him and yes, he was booted offline. He started to celebrate that he was right and wanted to show this, so he attempted to log back in and yes, he was able to login but was now silenced.

He had to concede that there was no mass reporting to ban anyone, but you could get silenced by a mass of people and that he was booted offline while the system applied his silence.

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The irony here is they have a financial incentive to tell the truth. If they were being forced to lie about this system that most of this terrible community believes exist, we’d have multiple gaming sites and former employees coming forward to testify about being forced to lie about this and yet we zero testimony or articles. Lots of testimony about harassment, none about this.


Anyways, report this guy so a mod can remove him.

It literally existed back in 07. No one recorded it until wod.

I’ve been squelched, multiple times actually, because I’m not nice to wow players because wow players like to be dumb. It exists because when someone says some out of pocket things, they really shouldn’t be allowed to continue saying out of pocket things for god knows how long. Can this be abused? Yes. Has it been abused? Yes. Does this abuse automatically result in the person being banned? No. It silences the account for review.

It’s not a ban. It’s an account silence. That’s it. Any ban that comes after is because a human reviewed it. If you want to be mad that squelching exists, fine, but stop pretending that players can ban others, because if they could, I’d have been on a Batman ban spree a long time ago.


I make no financial gains by lying to you. I make no gains at all. No one does. Sounds like you’re mad cause you’ve been actioned before…but if not for your own actions!

If your intention is to try to hurt my feelings or anger me or insult me – won’t work.
You can call me boot licker, shill, corpo, or whatever else you think it won’t bother me.
You’ll have to go super deep in order to even make a cut and you don’t have the intellect to do it.

Fun fact, I am a corpo. I assume that means corporate person. It pays my bills and pays them very well.

I agree. Anyone who disagrees with you, you consider them a troll.

No clue, never have tried it.

you are wrong, correct.

#15 - Oct. 28, 2007, 5:23 p.m.
The “Report Spam” feature is intended to be used for any excessively repetitive messages that could be considered “spam” as per our policies; thus, while unsolicited advertising may be the most prominent example of such behaviour, you’re welcome to report players via right-click if you feel that their conduct falls within the boundaries of our policy against spam. I hope that is of some clarification as to our stance on the matter. :slight_smile:

“Reeee mods silence this man”

You’re still wrong!

God other companies would actual murder more third worlders than they do for this level of blind devotion.

Across all the boards and cords, blizz shills are the most rabid.

Please report this post and let’s remove one toxic liar off the forums.

This is what I think to. If I had the power to ban others - man, I’d there would be so many people banned the salty tears would be flowing to Blizzard HQ.

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It requres a lot of votes, bot farms currently use them to ban people interfering with bots even!

This is false. Players cannot ban other players. Bots cannot ban each other, bots cannot ban players.

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And you just have blind anger. Im a fan of the fire water and sharp blade falling from the sky type of guy myself, but you’re literally mad that you’re wrong and can’t convince others to believe your own objective wrongness.

Just because other people understand how these systems work doesn’t make them bootlickers, it makes you a cornered rat who’s desperate to hurt others because you lack any thing of substance to support your claims.

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Incorrect! It would be nice to live in your world though so I understand your delusion.

It’s delusional to think a multibillion dollar company has given their community the ability to completely police the game and no one has ever bothered trying.

Players cannot ban other players.

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“Reee you’ve critiqued something I like! Drown in a lake of fire rat! This is a direct attack on me!”

Showing your true colors dosen’t make you right, just highlights the truth that you’re wrong :man_shrugging:.

That has nothing to do with what I said other than prove me right :point_down:

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Your kind of “truth” is best posted on “Truth Social.” That way other people who also believe fairy tales can “retruth” your posts!

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