Chat reports being abused

Players do not have GM banning powers. I don’t know why you pretend to believe they do.

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I apologize to be the one to correct you once again but yes it has been verified you are factually wrong and spouting misinformation. Common error!

Players can be banned without gm approval! They are put into a special que after to be reviewed (hopefully) but that misses a lot too.

It’s okay that you’re new to wow and these isshues but you should try to learn fromp your more experienced comrades before spouting lies to our brother forum posters!

Players do not have GM banning powers, it’s a little bizarre that you believe they do. Might want to think about why you believe such far-out conspiracy theories.


It has been verified with video for you in thread and has been happening since 2019! It’s okay to be wrong!

It has not been video verified a single time because players cannot ban other players. I suggest you stop lying before a moderator comes in to suspend your forum privileges.

Forums aren’t automated either! Crazy, right! We’ll probably have to wait until tomorrow for this thread to be removed and for the trolls to be suspended. Darn.


I apogize, that won’t happen. You will remain wrong though!

How do you know it won’t happen? Maybe players will report your posts and you’ll be automatically banned!

JK. Players cannot ban other players on the forums or in-game.

They sure can! Even more so on the forums! And once again I know the truth here, just like in most situations, via experience as unlike yourself I’m a permanent resident of the slum town that is WoW!

They sure can’t! Hiding a post isn’t a ban! Not everything is a ban! Closing a door in real life isn’t a ban! Waiting for a red light isn’t a ban!

Players cannot ban other players on the forums or in-game. Happy to educate you on other things as well! Would you like me to teach you how to cook scrambled eggs?

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They sure can buddy! Unfortunately there’s a lot of players that test higher than a sub standard deviation off the aptitude, comprehension and basic human skills test.

Even more unfortunate those players have been able to independently identify and replicate these bans in the wild!

Rare for a man to seek so many L’s but I’ll keep givin em!

This is a lie friendo! This is what happens when you are mass reported on the forums!


This is an automated message from the World of Warcraft Forums to inform you that one of your posts has been hidden and is awaiting moderator review."


This is an automated message from World of Warcraft Forums to let you know that your post 1 was restored."

I should know, because clueless zealots who love to lie report my posts! People who don’t care about the truth (you) are in shambles over this realization!

Players cannot ban other players on the forums or in-game. I’m sorry to have to be the one educating you in your adult years.

Pathological lying is a serious disorder!

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If players could truly ban someone via mass reports, don’t you think popular and controversial streamers like Payo and Asmongold would be banned more often?

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These conspiracy theorists used to try to counterclaim that it’s not possible to automatically ban streamers because Blizzard put them on a safelist. Of course they believe streamers only go on this safelist AFTER they supposedly prove automatic bans from player reports exist. How convenient!

Likely the same people who think streamers get to bypass queues and what not. Then Asmongold sits in a four hour queue for something but little facts never get in the way of big lies.

The silly hill some people are willing to die on just to try to be right in somebody else’s eyes on the internet is pretty narcissistic. Several have seen it happen in game via reports, especially when that account has already had previous violations and the report threshold for actions is smaller. When somebody gets reported for a name violation and their character immediately goes offline with their name being altered on the nameplate, they say they have a ban and are forced to rename on log in attempt after ban, are you telling me there was a GM at the keys manually doing it in real time? Believe or don’t, repeating “fake news” “flat earther” as insults is low energy, unproductive and the human equivalent of flinging poo like a monkey.

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It’s 100% automated.
There’s zero human input unless a silence or ban is appealed, even then they usually ignore it.


Players cannot ban other players.

You believe players can report others for any reason and given enough reports, that player will be automatically suspended or banned? I’ll respond to the rest of your post depending on your answer.

Players don’t ban, the automated system can do just that with enough reports.
The system is more easily abused that an attacker beating a quadriplegic.


I’m going to type this as simply as possible for you. If players are the ones reporting, and a ban is automatically applied after a threshold of unique reports is met, that means players can ban other players. That means that multiboxers have GM banning powers by themselves.

Of course they don’t, because players can’t ban other players.

seems to me he very much understands what you are saying. he just corrects your wrong conclusion or view.

Mass reports lead to an automatic system response which is …chat mute. No ban is executed due to the number of player reports. Whats possible is that a GM looks into the matter because the system flags it due to the number of reports. THE GM then applies a ban or not.

You were told how the system works multiple times now. Just pulling a “trump” and repeating nonfactual nonsense doesnt make it true. More people agreeing with you doesnt make it true. Test it for yourself, present your findings. Anything else is flatearth stuff

No, sorry! After X reports the system does an auto ban! It’s okay to be new but get educated!

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