Cant upgrade anything with crests

All my gear is greyed out and wont let me upgrade anything, even though I should be able to.


i have the same problem

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Also having this issue, have also noted that no raids are currently Awakened including lfr. Suggest rolling back the hot patch you just did to allow for normal raiding to happen tonight on the awakened raids… Please and ty

Also having this issue.

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Just noticed the lfr awakened stuff, wonder if this is a side effect of the live maintenance a day later than usual

So since nothing can be done on the CS forums the OP should edit and move this thread to the bug forums where the QA cant take a look at it they wont see this.


Cant upgrade my Prot Paladin

This is a bug? Was working fine yesterday!

Also have this issue too, and in the dungeons and raids window i can’t see current season dungeons or any awakened raid. :melting_face: :melting_face: :melting_face:

OK but no one here will here u cry for help the bug report forum is where it will get seen this is a player to player help desk.

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how is this player to player help desk when the title of the room is customer support?


They’re not wrong.

Seeing people from my guild running into the same. Looks like a very recent event though. Last two hours maybe.

Might be a wee bit of event for you guys in CS today.

Edit: And yes, I realize you aren’t tech support, and that complaints need to go elsewhere. This is just a heads up. There is something going on, and there will be more complaints showing up.

Blue moderation that have no connection to the developers or send in bug reports or pass along feedback Also not monitored by blues 24hrs this is why bug reports are more apropriate. Plus theres a stickie at the top that explains what the forum is for.

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Right no one that can make a difference monitors or passes along the feedback in the void no one can hear u scream.

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My apologies. I didn’t realize what I had posted was screaming.

That’s really what you’re going with?


Your trying to get attention but u wont get attention here is what i was trying to convene.

… What?

No… I was trying to give a heads up to you guys that hang out in CS… Something seems to have gone sideways, and you’re likely to see a bunch of threads and posts coming up complaining.


whats the point in posting something in customer service if this isnt customer service related?

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