Can't access account after buying the Expansion

I logged out and restarted the launcher and it worked =D

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Was in D4 at the time, but restarting the launcher did fix this ultimately.

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Using the Task Manager to close both the app and any associated background processes solved it for me. Thanks!

I thought everything was gone too. I even relaunched and it didn’t work. The default had changed to “Starter Edition.” Once I switched it back, everything was fine.

I can see my purchase transaction on my account.battlenet page for my main account, however the launcher only lists my WoW2 and WoW3 accounts under Live World of Warcraft. My main account is gone completely. I know it’s not actually gone, but for all intents and purposes It’s gone and i am unable to access my account.

Restarting the launcher works if you don’t have multiple instances of the launcher running in the background.

I restarted my machine and everything is back to normal.

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My account is still reverting back to a “Free Trial” account even after rebooting everything. Not sure what’s going on but it just will not connect me to my main page/account characters.

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Yes, I ended up just rebooting my PC because of an unrelated Nvidia driver update and the reboot fixed the issue.

Rebooted everything again, still nothing. I did buy the epic version of the pre expansion, not sure if that matters or not but i figured it was worth noting. It keeps reverting my account back to a “Free Trial” account.

I haven’t purchased the expansion, but I’m having the same problem.


I had the same problem upon starting battlenet today. Going into Task Manager and completely exiting battlenet did the trick. I did not have multiple instances of the program running.

I rebooted my PC and everything was there.

Same problem here. I have scoured the forums and have tried every single suggestion and some with no luck whatsoever. Hoping to see a Blizzard post on this.


I had the same problem. as some had said. It seems the launcher had set back my account to wow1 vs my licensed account. Solution fo me was to switch it back to my Accountname-dragonflight before launching the game. Fixes the problem.

Edit: As someone else have said. going into task manager and endtasking every related running app doesnt hurt also.


I briefly had the same problem until I relaunched the app. The active accounts randomly disappeared and I didn’t even preorder yet.

Thank you Darent! Such a simple fix to an anxiety inducing problem LOL

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I got stuck too. Came back after being away and the launcher was stuck on my 2nd account and not recognizing any others. I had to do a full logout everywhere and log back in and that seems to be working. BTW, I have not bought the expansion yet so that was not a factor.

Ive done everything suggested on this post and nothing works. I didnt even buy the expansion. I was on earlier today with no problems. Like i said nothing works.


I did not buy/pre-order expansion.

Telling me I need a sub and I can’t access my characters.

My account says I have an active sub until end of April.

Just had the exact same issue with my 2 active accounts.

Solution: Close the launcher. Open your task manager and End Task any/all processes. Once they are all closed, close task manager and re-open the launcher, all the proper accounts should be there.

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