Can we get another rainbow toy?

Exactly and if it had been anyone but this poster creating the thread nothing would have been said.




I need more ways to make rainbows trail behind me.

Legit, give me a mount that makes a rainbow trail as I run? I’d but it. I’d buy it from the cash shop.

Lower the CD on the Rainbow Generator toy as well so I can always keep it up.

More. Rainbows.

A rainbow flag we can wear like the PvP flags, that leaves a rainbow trail like the other toy.

That’s what i want.

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I also suggested him doing a player-event for pride, make it himself, didn’t make mention of it, he just wanted to insult me for disagreeing about Bliz doin’ what he wants.
i think a player-made event would be splendid. and if it seen enough players. maybe Bliz would find it a fab idea. but all he wants is forum attention. daily.

Also think I will make the event myself - bring your rainbow toy! lol. mount parades. party shared Dalaran wine!


This. I will champion the rights and freedoms of the individual to do as they please with exception to the exploitation, harm or destruction of children. But when you make a mockery of your own movement or delegitimize yourself by perceiving victimization at every possible chance, I will not stand by your side any longer. This does not mean I abandon the ideals. No, I fight your fight as far away from you as possible.

can this new toy be battery operated?

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indeed, but here where i live (wont say where) there was plenty of folks busted for um
 their antics on the event in question.

You’re asking for this rainbow because it’s a symbol of the LGBT+ community right?

How do you feel about claims that this is cultural appropriation? I’m hearing there’s increasing backlash from Leprechauns, who feel that the symbol has traditionally been theirs. They have footage of pots of gold under rainbows going back to the 11th century.

The LGBT+ community clearly predates that, but not in their use of the symbol. Everyone knows that the ancient symbol for LGBT+ was just to be Greek, because no one cared where you stuck your junk.

seriously this whole post is meant as a joke, and I hope it made people step back and chuckle. All this trolling is so old. =p


I was in support of a once a year event like the one the OP posted yesterday but even I have to agree when every thread they make is on the same topic , it’s spam .

You want people to support your cause , don’t try forcing it down their throats every 5 minutes (yes that is an exaggeration ).


I reckon its just posts by an evil little person. that wants people to hate on the community.
Then he sits and cackles like he thinks he is an evil genius, twirlin his mustache.


Same OP


We have a few toys that you can use on dead player bodies. Can we get a toy that does this to someone we defeat in combat?

Obsessed with his own identity
 on the next Dr.Phil.


I suppose i could have expressed that better. I don’t think a rainbow is political. I was questioning this person:

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Gotcha. Thanks for explaining. On its own, the OP of this thread didn’t seem like trolling.

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I want a toy where it’s a bucket of paint, so i can splash it on me, painting myself in rainbows. :smiley: :rainbow:

Oh oh! how about a toy where you can vomit rainbows on other people and paint them as rainbow and have it’s CD be 30 seconds? :open_mouth:

he just wants a toy that makes rainbows. :confused:


Did i miss something here?..

Oh. :neutral_face:

 he wants a lot of things lmao, this is his daily representation troll post.