Can we get another rainbow toy?

Yea he’s a bit of a wiener

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I’ve quickly found out where is people coming from with the LGBT stuff that OP didn’t say in this thread but in other threads.

I still support the idea because i like toys, just not because of the reasons behind it.

Heck I do support it being added for lgtbq+ reasons or not

Just if anyone else but OP makes the suggestions


I’m not even the type that gets furious when I see LGBT stuff in the game, but I’m tired of seeing 8 threads about it and half of them being by same guy.
“Make Anduin Gay!”
“Make a gay tabard in the store!”
“Make a gay toy!”
“Make another gay character!”
“Pelagos is not enough representation!”

“Hey… why don’t you guys confine it to one thread?”

“Shut up bigot”

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If the OP wasn’t making daily threads like this people might take him as being serious, but when their is a new request practically every day for something for the LBGT crowd and I don’t have a problem with them possibly getting something in game .

However I would say work on one thing at a time and if Blizz gives that then ask for the next . But the way the OP does it should be considered at least spam .


No, the character is already defined
Sure why not
Sure why not
Sure why not
He is actually pretty good tbh, didn’t shove it in anyones face but instead were kinda sneaky with it

Yes, my point of the post wasn’t really to bring up each individual point, they are just an example of every post in the past 2 days.

Why not make one thread about it lol

Exactly, we just summarized every single one of his threads with 2 comments (if we remove all the mindless fighting)

It’s amazing what teamwork can do!

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That’s fine to do. I just want to be clear here that i didn’t have an idea that the OP had a history with with sort of stuff and i thought it was just a normal suggestion to add a toy. I didn’t think it had a reason like that behind it. :man_shrugging:

I do love my Prismatic Bauble, worth every copper. I bind it to my warrior’s charge, paladin’s avenging wrath, etc etc.

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I want a glitter bomb toy that sprays all over everyone in the area.

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There are already two, go grab those.

Oh look another talonel troll post. Keep your politics out of the game you troll.

Edit: ignore him guys. Just flag his post and move on.


He’s also been going around saying that Anduin should be retired as a character because he’s a white guy with blonde hair and blue eyes, while also apparently supporting the idea of adding blonde hair for Void Elves.

That’s some rather confusing mixed messages right there, especially as some people who are so fiercely opposed to blonde hair for Void Elves do so because they like accusing all people who want the blonde hair of being racist.

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