[Bugs] Broken scaling of some gear at low lvls (Update 11.18.2020)

Update 11.18.2020 - some bugs were fixed, but new information about another bugs was added to the post, thx Russían - area-52

Hello, Blizzard’s and caring players!

Despite the fact that a similar topic has been raised more than once, I want to present the perniciousness of not scaling gear at low levels. Dear twinks, since you are so afraid of being responsible for using a poorly scaled gear - I attach a link only to my character (https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/outland/minassa) with an overgear on the EU account, so don’t write about “envy:smile:

1. Gems
1.1. Steady Talasite (https://www.wowhead.com/item=33782/steady-talasite) from TBC Jewelry give +4 to armor and +6 to stamina, but another “steady” gems give less stats.

1.2. Thundering Skyfire Diamond (https://www.wowhead.com/item=32410/thundering-skyfire-diamond) and Mystical Skyfire Diamond (https://www.wowhead.com/item=25893/mystical-skyfire-diamond) give unscaled buff.

2. 59 ilvl heads

This gear was obtained before a quick nerf at the beginning of the prepatch - it’s currently with correct scaling. But, the problem is that the direct gear IP was not scaled (those who managed to do it still have this gear 59 ilvl)

Let’s compare the characteristics:

Bartered Vrykul Facemask (59 ilvl) (https://www.wowhead.com/item=180029/bartered-vrykul-facemask ) give 17 int., 25 stam., 19 crit. and 15 haste / for exampleHood of Arcane Mystery (25 ilvl) (https://www.wowhead.com/item=109970/hood-of-arcane-mystery ) give 6 int., 9 stam., 7 crit. and 6 mastery

3. The Artifact Weapons 49 ilvl

A couple of days after the release of the patch, a fix was made to scaling things from the Legion’s dungeons - but, unfortunately, this did not affect the relics of artifacts already inserted into the artifact. Those who managed to insert two relics have +29 ilvl, and those who inserted after the nerf - only + 11 ilvl.

Let’s compare the characteristics of the artifacts weapons of 49 ilvl and 31 ilvl:

Light’s Wrath (49 ilvl)- 61 int., 21 stam., 13 haste, 13 mastery

Light’s Wrath (31 ilvl)- 35 int., 12 stam., 7 haste., 7 mastery

4. 36 ilvl gear of rares «WoD» + possibility to wear items with a level limit

Part 44 ilvl gear turned into 36 ilvl, which, according to the information plate, can only be worn by characters with 30 lvl (this isn’t only a Soultwisting Staff (https://www.wowhead.com/item=119410/soultwisting-staff ) and Cowl of the Unraveller (https://www.wowhead.com/item=119354/cowl-of-the-unravelle ), also many other things) -
but despite the above, I CAN STILL WORN THEM ON 20 lvl CHARACTER! Why?!

5. Trinket Pit Fighter (https://www.wowhead.com/item=74034/pit-fighter) has no level requirement.


The main problem with these things is the lack of scaling. Since the patch, in fact, came out very raw, I would like to remind Blizzard’s employees about such a problem, which is relevant for low lvl characters.

And now, friends, I would like to say a final word about twinks - dear comrades, your unwillingness to admit the problem in these things only demonstrates your shortsightedness. Start farming gear from TBC and insert gems. If you cannot play without the above big exploit, this is only your problem . Trials and newbies should not suffer from the carelessness of Blizzard employees and your desire to assert themselves, killing them in one hit on BG or «open world».


I hope the developers will still hear and see us and fix everything sooner or later. But, of course, it is better that this happens as soon as possible, because time is money. Including for our most beloved company.


Yea, today low-level brecket has alot of buggy high-ilvl items and they made crazy gap between averge players with full-good-gear around 25~30 ilvl and players in this unfixed trash 44~64 ilvl.


There is NO REASON WHATSOEVER to nerf the end Zone Legion Quest rewards because literally EVERY PLAYER IN WORLD OF WARCRAFT Level 10+ has access to them. If everyone gets them, everyone is the same. The fact that YOU are a sore loser because some Twink destroyed you and now you’re on a mission to see that low Level Characters get nerfed into the ground shows how petty you are.
Also, you’re STILL breaching Blizz’s ToS by naming & shaming as well as spamming by bumping your own Threads with your own Accounts.


Hello! No, this is my first topic - I just wanted to describe in more detail the reason for my request.

Hello. No, no one offended me - I myself am a twink, and this topic is needed so that the players understand why they are being killed at one time by a small-level character.


Your 1st Thread? Sure about that? There’s been a compiled list of EXACTLY VERBATIM several Threads all started by Accounts with very few posts all in the past 2 weeks. You can’t sit there and honestly tell us that’s just a coincidence.

Replying as my Main now, I had to fix which Character was posting as Amahuata is an Alt that I never post with. Just so we’re clear whom you’re speaking with (no ambiguity from my side).

I am raising this issue because I think it is very important. You may or may not believe me, this is your choice.


Here is that list of all your active threads, for some reason im swapped to a classic character, and it won’t let me change but oh well

I repeat again - these are not my topics. For, if you compare them, then I explain in detail the reasons for the problem with links to the proper source.


Indeed, this is spam from one offended person, because no one else plays this game and it does not concern anyone. Do you believe in it yourself, you guys are not 15 years old? But in any case, thank you for continuing to bring up this topic and others like it with constant frequency.

P.S : I think it would be great for people like you if the starting accounts were completely deprived of the opportunity to speak here, because these are all fakes with fresh accounts, several posts and other nonsense. I hope, having matured, you will be able to understand that there is not only America, but there is also Europe, which cannot write here with full account, because it is located in another region.

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Good lord spammer, get a life.

As a twink myself, i want these items fixed. It feels unfair and it creates a gap. I don’t even mind gem gear but some of the gems that grant like +5/+5 stats are wayyy too much. Gems need to be nerfed as well to like +1/+1. Gems should never outweigh the benefit of the actual stats of the gear lmao


Sure, this is also a mistake in scaling items and it must also be fixed sooner or later.


Still looking forward to these fixes and more!

Agree. Hopefully before the event comes out, Blizzard will fix at least some of these issues.


great work, mate. i was expecting it to be fixed, still hoping but not so sure, any more. so far it has been just some leveling quick fixes. trying to be understanding, even with the lack of communication but it’s getting harder and harder. shame for a great potential to go to waste. pay no attention to some selfish people, that only care about overcompensating. and i think you might’ve missed cogwheel and maybe some gem scaling.


Up this theme

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Twinks have always been about spending time to get the best possible gear available at their level, and if some of that gear is overpowered… as long as it’s possible for other players to also get similar gear, that’s not a problem.

It’s always been that way.

The only problem is if people can’t get the same gear with effort (the so called “grandfathered” twink items), which wasn’t a problem until Blizzard “fixed” some of the overpowered pieces of gear while leaving the grandfathered pieces alone.

Realistically, Blizzard shouldn’t have fixed them at all.

If someone wants to figure out how to farm WoD rares for ilvl 44 pieces, let them have the ilvl 44 pieces.

You complain about a negative impact on players without this gear… THAT’S HOW THE GAME WORKS!

You put in the time to get the gear that makes you able to easily kill people who haven’t put the time in… and that’s how it will be when the “newbies” get to max level and get ganked by someone with the best gear.

They can either get that best gear as well, or deal with getting killed.

That said, to the person who started this thread… thanks for reminding me why I dropped WoW in the first place.

Been waiting on a few games, and seeing the prepatch come out made me want to try playing WoW again… but I forgot how relentlessly determined people (including Blizzard themselves) are to making the game as “balanced” and bland as possible.

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