Boost the pvp Damage reduction another 20% and leave it perma

About another 15 or 20% and were good to go

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Trolling in the other threads wasnt enough that you had to make your own?



what do you mean? Its 100000x better rn. A little bit more and you could actually use your kits instead of smashing 2 dps buttons

dont mind that guy, he is abject trash. The dude literally started crying about ele shaman damage nerfs; let that sink in.

who cried about ele ? You guys are bad at pvp if you dont like this change

Kiryah, you should see him crying in other posts.

Says the guy claiming to be multiple classes and posting on a retail toon just to troll

i already go oom on mage before i can 1v1 anything with self healing, and you want more?

Dont bother posting in this thread. Its just a troll circle jerk.


the only troll here is you. All you do is cry about fantastic changes on stint of you being objectively garbage at pvp and relying on the worst tuning wow has seen in 2 decades. But trust when I say there is probably nowhere else to go but up for you lest you uninstall; which I mean I’d understand.

Are you just following me now?

What toon are claiming to be in this thread?

Damage nerf should be 40%

Self healing should be 45% unless it is a percentage based heal or consumable (potion, health stone, etc).

This means healers healing ithers is still very strong, but if you focus the healer, you are more likely to kill him.


Added a space to trick the bot. Minced oaths are acceptable within TOS, but this is not.

You have a serious issue brother. This is from
a two hour period on Friday. You spent your entire day harassing people. That is what this is. Harassment. I think I know who you are too and this is you MO here. You stalk and harass people. Do you honestly think blizzard can’t see this. It will catch up to you.

Spam/harassment/trolling/vandalism…. Your pick.

lol imagine being a grown man and doing this on a forum… LOL the boys of todays world , this is wild.

The guy is seriously unhinged. I just reported him and moved on.

[quote=“Throwinhands-whitemane, post:15, topic:1839229, full:true”]

Dude. You can’t just spam stuff like this on the forum. It is harassment.

Yeah. I really can’t imagine. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

:clown_face: Clowns :clown_face:


Let’s keep the focus on the problem here. :wink:

Why don’t you go ask your mom for some money and buy some pool noodles and hit things in your back yard with them instead


This does appear to be problematic. Getting told that you are an animal and not a mineral or herb tends to do that to people.

Let’s make the forum free of mass reporting and harassment.

If you don’t like what someone says, hoping thread to thread and calling them names is not acceptable.

We need people to feel safe here. This should be a place where people are free to think and speak and not be harassed. We can exchange ideas without being toxic. Not because it is easy, but because it is hard.
