Boost the pvp Damage reduction another 20% and leave it perma

Bro relax, its literally just a video game you’re out here tattling on people for. Man musta really hurt your feelings.

This isn’t a video game. This is a forum. The place where I am always a step ahead of you.

My brain is simply better at this .

I enjoyed our exchange. Do you want a recap. We are already at the recap in our relationship.

Person A says

I reply

Then you white knight into the conversation with

I appreciate the irony and reply

You respond with

White knighting is for birds bro. You look like a stooge in a thread the other gentlemen said was a “circle J” thread. Maybe you mistook their intentions when they brought up CJ? It wasn’t an offer. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Kaufman couldn’t write this better.

Your IQ is showing.

Your man card was lost a long time ago.

Try again bud

162, unfortunately I am more like Geena Davis than Einstein. I am a polymath. Don’t have the focus of my man Albert.

The advanced IQ test is for the birds like white knighting imo. They have developed more appropriate tests that look at “social intelligence and of for fluid intelligence etc. We need to get with the times.

Baring a statistical anomaly, I know that based on the IQ test, I am more intelligent than you.

Sorry. Doesn’t mean I feel that way. It is a cliché straight out of Greece, but I feel pretty stupid and constantly learn.

…But you are still a :clown_face: in my :eyes: my brother :heart:

:rofl: I am sorry but this got me smiling irl :rofl:

Just report and move on man. Its not worth it.

If you don’t like someone, just put them on ignore. Somewhere on forums I read how to do that.

I am willing to bet that if you get the attention of the mods that you will get nuked for that…


I don’t violate TOS. You have definitely crossed that line though.

No one is buying your goofball targeted harassment campaign. You could alt hop and report me, but that is a big no-no and will get you banned.

It is hilarious that being an animal is so offensive to you that you are trying to bury it like a cat. It may make you want to put your head in the sand like a giraffe, but that doesn’t make it a violation of TOS

Most rational humans understand that we are in the animal order and are predators. We can argue about where we fall as far as behavior, but these are just facts. Right now you are closer to a domesticated cat or giraffe than a violent primate. I guess that is sign of improvement.

:black_cat: :poop: :giraffe: :black_cat: :poop: :giraffe: :black_cat: :poop:

no it wont

There is an entire discoord bots use to get people auto banned in wow. If you pay real $$$ they will add names for you. It’s not even on their radar

Try it. I will admit that I have done it. About four years ago I was messing around and alt hopped to hide some dudes post. I was just playing around, but I got my only ban that way.

I sent them an email and they specifically said that it was for using alts to report a post. I can’t remember the verbiage, but that was the basics.

I was playing three accounts at the time and it was a lot of fun. I could hide any posts.

But sure, I am lying. I bet I come across as a liar. :wink:

Just alt hop and keep reporting my post. Eventually it will disappear. You may not have enough toons that can report here (level 10, trust level) , so you need to level some or use a different account.

I have been playing this game for almost 20 years now so I have five accounts (two with subs) and hundreds of forum alts with trust.

no, they don’t.

People are mass reporting people in game and nothing happens. You’re just making crap up

You are fighting the good fight bud, but just report and move on. The dude literally claimed to have a fictious high IQ score in his post. You cant win with these types. He is the king troll in his own little world.

Then do it. :rooster:

I will know when you have because I can see if my posts are hidden

Lots of accounts and toons remember

You can alt hop and report with your alts. You only get so many reports per toon for 24 hours. So you need to switch.

Make my threads disappear

You and me will both still be an animals, the Bradygames strategy guide will still say hunters can off tank, and cataclysm will still be coming out tomorrow. You can’t change the facts that I stick to.

Here are some more facts. You will be violating TOS. Most companies have rules against forum manipulation. They even have tried to take folks to court for disinformation—yelp reviewers. It’s the direction we are going. Remember that broad who went to prison for telling someone to hurt themselves?

People know the power of places like these and their influence. Most sites will ban you for manipulating them.

But like i said… you are free to prove me wrong. :wink:

Ok sock puppet. UR Weird bro. Blizzard can see your toons. Even I could figure it out. :clown_face: