PvP Damage Nerf Horrible

Naw, fought a hunter and that pet did NOTHING.

Where did they say any numbers? I only heard people speculating it being 20-30%.

they never said anything but I was hoping for 10-20% cause thats enough. this is too much.

however, WSG is a lot of fun with this much DR. everything else is less fun.

seems fine to me. warriors are back to being the most oppressive class in the game its great. its great seeing the shamans struggle while a warrior pounds them into the ground.

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shaman here, the changes are fantastic and i absolutely LOVE not melting someone in a split second. All I can say is you are bad and probably learn to actually press buttons now. Sham is still incredibly strong, it’s just now it feels like a complete kit instead of only needing 3 buttons on your bar.

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You just said you were a mage in another thread.

Dude, just stop. Your troll is showing.

exactly, i quite literally stopped playing because of how absolutely awful SOD pvp was on my sham. Nothing fun about obliterating things before they even have a chance to react in group pvp.

you should learn to read, I promise it would behoove you.

You should learn to troll. Commit to one class.

Or maybe man up and post on your main.

Damn you pvp without hands?

That’s impressive.


Its a test guys, jesus. Why is it impossible for wow players to offer constructive feedback without coming across as the most entitled knob waffles in the entire gaming ecosystem.

“Hey Blizzard, my feedback is that the 50% damage reduction you guys started with is too much. Definitely need to dial it back.”

How hard would that have been to say? Obviously they’re going to start on the high end before slowly tweaking it towards the lowest point they can get it before it turns into a one-shot fiesta again.


refer to my previous comments. Seriously.

Learn to troll.


My guy refer to my previous comments. Nobody is trolling outside of you trolling yourself. I promise, just read.


Suck it up

Amen indeed.

How many retail toon alts you going to post on? Just curious

why are you deflecting and not just accepting that you clearly don’t know what you are doing if you are complaining about ele sham post dam reduction while also looking like a tool for crying relative to such a strong spec? Ele still feels fantastic in bg pvp.

Oh you mean where you actually have to dispell healers and kill them? Or you know… CC and KICK THEM?

Yea terrible game play

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Post on your ele sham