Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin'dorei)

Now I think on it… if you look in my list at the end of the main post…


I think everyone just loves your threads and the upkeep of them to keep them up-to-date and relevant.


Magic elves should have magic rune options as tattoos or scarification.

Bonus points for variable colors to reflect different magic.

I am adamant about this point.

I also want the giant pony tail that was mentioned a few comments back because giant 80s pony tails are one of my major weaknesses, and we don’t actually have any options for a GIANT POOFY PONY TAIL IN THE GAME. There’s kinda one for orcs, but it’s not ludicrous enough.


I really do need to get back to sketching some hair.

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If there ever is a big update with a butt ton of customization for the blood elves I hope it comes with a lore update to make the belves not be so bland.

Instead of some culture that is seemingly dominated by the light I think it would be far more interesting if we had a culture that holds arcane, blood, fel and light as pillars of the blood elf civilization.


Pink eye color customization could come with this so yay!!! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

I’m 100% on board with this for more San’layn customization as well as red eyes on every skintone not just the pale one because even now it’s weird to me they went through and separated every face customization so they can be used with any combination then they added that and it’s red eyes are locked to just that skintone and it’s like I’d much rather use my current skintone with the red eyes.

I support these as well but I’m not sure what we’d get but I support more Blood Elf stuff and more Blood Elf customizations. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


So this was brought up.

The blood elf there may be using the dark ranger skin with blue eyes which could suggest blizzard is going to finally separate the red eyes from skin tone.



May it be so.

(Give it to death nights and Nightborne, too.)


I’m pretty sure the reason why darkfallen skins are paired with the pale skin/red eyes and not available on nightborne is not because of story or lore.

They are just using skins that were made for dark rangers in BfA.

Don’t really know why they added the skin to void elves.


Narratively, that’d actually be quite fantastic.
Especially if you’re able to combine ‘light’ elements with nature. We’ve seen void & nature within the Emerald Nightmare, and arcane + nature with the ancient Kaldorei and Nightborn - Seeing more variants would be pretty cool.

Perhaps finding a seed of that ancient tree that the ‘Thas’dorah, Legacy of the Windrunners’ was crafted from, to replant - Infuse with a Bronze Dragonflight element to grow into a tall yet still relatively young holy white oak tree - That creates a new bastion & staging ground of druidism – Would be a good start.

… Personally I’d love events or super-dungeons / miniature raids that once completed the questline of actually transform the zone — Like ‘Strongholds’ in Diablo 4 (Then perhaps for gameplay purposes, have an NPC to go back to instance should you want to repeat experience or go back for loot). There’s so many areas & lore rich zones that’d be fantastic to turn into towns, small cities and hubs — Utilising that system to widen influence on the world and actually SEE it change to your actions would be awesome.

Personally I’d love priests to have a stronger role outside of being fodder for the story of Paladins as the ‘Lesser form before evolving’ or nameless healers who are STILL outshone by paladins, or simply slaughtered with ease.

Like, having some strong new characters come into the fold would be great – Even having Blood Elf priests join ‘The Blood Knights’ after showing their own merits not to be underestimated would be grand.

Personally I’d love it to develop into earning a spell-customisation for the race (Like ‘Light’ visage of shadowform and light visuals for the spells) – Though I feel that’d probably be in the ‘Less likely’ section, knowing small efforts with big results are usually overlooked by Blizzard.

A good story to develop would be to make Quel’Thalas an overall sanctuary for their kind, not having to choose between Alliance or Horde but simply embrace their traditions, culture & home (aside from those filthy void elves) and being marked with a powerful holy ‘pacifier’ spell if such is the case to detect & alert signs of hostility to their values, or a flare of sorts if an attempt to dispel it within their kingdom is made.

You could put that ingame - where you can speak to a neutral NPC to be ‘marked’ and become neutral or friendly to all NPCs within the zone. Have another NPC for Void Elves who can use a ‘dampening’ artifact to immensely draw out the void energies to prevent their influences, then apply the mark. Simply talk to them again to remove it, or exit the zones. These NPCs will be held outside the city to prevent infiltration into assaulting the leaders of Quel’Thalas. PVP would be disabled, except for within a particular arena – However duels would be allowed.

With the suggestion I made earlier about strongholds being earned, you could use the same principle of sorts (Being ‘marked’ and made neutral within borders) for newly formed towns & small cities throughout Azeroth. :yum:


It would be fun, but TBH I think it’s just the devs not having the same restrictions we do :frowning:

I do think it’s arbitrary tho, since eyes and skin have been separated since SL prepatch. It would have made as much sense for them to be separate, like the NE Night Warrior eyes/skin, so the DR skin/eyes being linked is 100% on purpose.

Really wished they added some context for VE getting DR skins (like, did VE that died during the War of Thorns and Darkshore also got risen? Would make sense for them to return with the Kaldorei Dark Rangers to the Alliance, but the lack of context is very meh)


Oh I hope so. Dunno why we still have some restrictions in terms of customizations if we can’t “customize the way we want too” as mentioned at the start with the customizations. And that tiara should also be made separate so people can pick there hair styles and chose to have the tiara or not.


Things i would personally love to see, considering a lot of other races already have these options:

  • More jewelry options, both in metal (include a brass color hue and allow us to change our hair accessory colors) and stone (include red, purple, gold, and black).
  • Better hair texture. I think Blood Elves have some of the worst hair texture in the game. Our hair doesn’t move with our bodies like Draenei, Night Elf and human hair does, and even Void Elves got improved hair texture when they revamped our hairstyles.
  • Separation of dark ranger skin tone and eyes. Allow us to use red eyes without the skin tone as well.
  • Male jewelry. Blood Elves, but especially male Blood Elves, received the short end of the stick with the customization pass.
  • Makeup and/or scars. Many other races have facial customization options, such as scars, war paint, makeup, or piercings. We don’t. All of our faces look very similar and beyond choosing the face itself, we have no further customization. I’d love to see eyeshadow/blush/lipstick, nose rings, arcane scars, or more.




Crying cause it’s true it’s true idk why we didn’t get the jewelry options also at least like…


Actually, speaking of which, it isn’t only jewelry that I want to see the males have access too, but that tiara that is apart of the female hair style, just the tiara, also an option for the males too.


I want a toggle for the tiara and other optional hair accessories plus the ability to change the color with jewelry. Other races got this, but not belves.


The Blood Elves should’ve gotten it as well.


I want that pink mog, and red eyes without the dark ranger skin.


And Pink and Purple hair.


Those mogs are really nice and I don’t recognize them straight off…

But most of all I want the red eyes separated from the dark ranger skin tone…