Yes you could I did it I have the proof in my unlocked collections LMAO… The Season 2 gear ONLY NEEDED FLIGHT STONES no crests. Sorry you have an absolutely horrible memory.
It was literally posted everywhere to go farm your seaosn 2 sets easily while trying for season 3 items Multiple freaking videos on youtube talking aboutt he vendors.
Dreamsurge gear was automatically upgraded to 415 in season 3. And you could use the Catalyst to turn it into tier. THAT is how you got the Normal appearances.
That’s not true at all. There was no upgrade system in Season 1. The upgrade system was added with Season 2, and when season 3 launched you were no longer able to upgrade season 2 items but got free unlimited catalyst charges for Season 1 and 2 items.
Probably because they’re the raid sets. That’s like complaining there’s no way to get PvP colors outside of PvP, or even the open world sets out of open world.
Blizzard does not care about anyone.
I’d rather upgrade my items, almost all raiders would say the same thing.
It should not be raiders vs m+ers vs delvers vs tmoggers.
it should be loyal players vs blizzard.
the devs are idiots.