Blizzard not allowing Season 1 items to be upgraded in Season 2

Title says it all Blizzard is basically taking away content. There is no way for someone who doesnt raid to get the heroic and mythic tier set apperances after season 1. Better get it now. Blizzard only cares about raiders.

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Removing upgradability is normal and has happened since valor points.

There’s even less reason to complain now since it’s easy to get H/M set appearances from delves. If D7s/D8s are too hard then wait until a future expansion like you always had to in the past.


Are they allowing old season gear to still be upgraded into the Nerub-ar Palace tier at least?

I have a few items I’d love to transfer into tier for the transmog, some to even complete sets — but at the time would rather keep the secondary stats & thus have been holding off :grimacing: …

yes changeable to tier but ilvl 610 and 623 gear will no longer be available outside of raids. for the heroic and mythic gear

You’ve never been able to upgrade a previous season in a new season. People organize transmog runs for older gear so you don’t miss out (these become almost trivial when you have a higher ilvl than the content was designed for).


I wish people would stop saying this ALL OF DRAGONFLIGHT you could upgrade old seasons UNTIL season 4 when they ruined everything in DF


No. You couldn’t. Forbidden Reach N/H gear only, and that only happened because it used weird items with no other purpose or reuse. Everything for years before, and everything after could not.


Yes you could. I did it personally. I got multiple tier sets for new characters in the Dream patch. I still have them.

The Dream items were upgradeable you could get LFR and normal tier set apperances. The Weeklies gave normal and heroic tier set apperances. This was from time events and the dream events. You would go farm them and then go to emerald dream with an old tier set.

Season 4 ruined them even harder because it made it where the vneodr gear no longer turned into tier like in season 3 and made it so you couldsnt upgrade season 2 or 3 gear


… S4 sets were re-runs of previous DF sets. That is completely different from holding on to an S1 item and upgrading it later. There was a BUG where some items like the priest S2 set could be upgraded when that appearance came back for S4 but it was not intended at all and didn’t work for all classes, only the ones with identical S2 and S4 sets.

No you can’t upgrade old items. As a definite rule.


Yes you could I have MULTIPLE tier set apperances for every class.

S3 S2 and S1 were UPGRADEABLE and able to be turned into tier in S3. When S4 hit S2 was no longer able to be turned into tier OR UPGRADABLE and S3 was no longer upgrade

I didnt play S2 at all and I have the enrtirer LFR and Normal sets of most classes with a couple of heroic items from upgrading the weeklies.

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S1 raid/M+ gear didn’t even use the same currency as later seasons. Of course it couldn’t be upgraded.

Blizz does not want to field customer service tickets for people who wasted currency on old irrelevant items. So they shut off upgrades and make that problem impossible (when they do it correctly).

If you want the appearances, get them now or get them in a tmog run later, exactly like always. Refusing to raid is not some badge of honor that demands special accommodation.

Lengthy post to say you were loud and wrong.


Nothing stopping you from pugging the raid (or finding a guild) and doing the raid for transmogs in Season 2.

It will be much easier, especially as you gear up from the Undermine raid.

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Not quite true, but that’s how it’s been working in the past few expansions.

During Legion I had a level 100 twink who did WoD heroic dungeons and was still able to upgrade WoD gear.

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Sunday must have came early.

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thats not removing content.

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A) You’re comparing something that happened in S3 of DF to something that’s happening in S2 of TWW.
B) You’re saying it’s been this way since S4 of DF, which means this isn’t something new for the upcoming S2.

Did I get that right?

Wait a few expansions until it hits legacy and solo it


DF literally just happened. You could convert eligible gear in the catalyst to get the associated tier transmog regardless of season. Even gear now is eligible I think. You could not indefinitely upgrade seasonal gear in different seasons. The system is the same and it remains unchanged.


Season 1 is still going why not upgrade lol

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