To clarify how things worked in DF:
You could always catalyze prior-season gear. Like, if you obtained a piece of gear in S2, you could catalyze it in S3 without it using a Catalyst charge.
You could not upgrade prior season gear because when the season shifted, all of the crests required to perform the upgrades were made impossible to acquire and were deleted.
What that meant was that you couldn’t get Mythic mog from Heroic after the season ended, you’d have to do it on Mythic, but considering gear vastly trivialized a lot of things, transmog mythic runs were doable in heroic raid gear of the following season rather easily.
i agree it would be nice if season 1 stones dropped still so you can still upgrade gear for cosmetics as mythic is not going to be feasible for normal players for awhile and that’s the only way to get the appearances.
You’re not remembering correctly, as someone said earlier all gear is upgrade locked beyond that patch. The storm gear used the storm currency and allowed items to be converted after the patch and still can be. I got lfr/n/heroic mogs on almost every alt of mine for all seasons.
The only rewards that go away with each season are rated pvp ones.
All tier sets from all difficulties can still be obtained by running the relevant content and grabbing gear and using the analyzer to turn it into tier pieces that will give you the mog.
You could, but only the Forbidden Reach gear from DF S1. Dunno if this guy thinks that was everything, but crests and their upgrade tracks were removed with each subsequent season just like is happening in 11.1
this always changes with the season/major patches.
the ilevel of all of the categories will rise and whatever your ilevel is now will probably go up by 10-30 levels during the next season, regardless of the content you run.
Yes you could I did it I did not play s2 but have multiple sets of upgraded gear.
The Dream quests in DF was S2 and the time even was S2 both were purchasable from vendors and upgrade able for the RF and Normal tier sets.
In S3 this remained the case. You could go farm a S2 set upgrade it and make it tier (i believe upgraded to 424 or 416)
In S4 they made the vendor gear NON catalyzable and NON upgradeable.
I gained almost every S2 tier set minus a few because I did not know they were going to ruin DF open world content.
I still have 1 missing slot on paladin feet because I was in the middle of gathering valor stones to upgrade it when the server swapped to season 4.