There should be no reason we cannot upgrade our gear, using defunct shadowflame crests or flightstones or not. If removing them from the Item Upgrade menu is meant to disincentivize players from spending resources on outdated gear, please explain why it is still possible to upgrade my Primal Storm gear.
If I had known we would get the crest conversion this week instead of last week, I simply would’ve upgraded my items the week previous and catalyzed them this week for appearances. Please do not literally make me farm M+ dungeons for a single piece of normal level gear in the correct slot so I can catalyze it for the correct tier set appearance. Thank you.
Seconding this. I at least was able to finish up all 13 characters’ Aberrus LFR set appearances at the last minute Monday night, fearing Tuesday’s worst case scenario. I knew crests were being converted to gray items with no new way to obtain them, but I did NOT anticipate item upgrades being completely disabled for all Season 2 items altogether.
It certainly was not communicated at all.
Like you, I was expecting the items to still be upgradeable like the Primal Storm gear from Season 1. I just wasn’t sure on how that would work, whether for flightstones only or for free or however else they wanted to do it. I absolutely did not see them freezing all the gear without any type of announcement or warning.
Sadly this leaves me with only 4 of 13 having also completed the Normal Aberrus sets, a vast majority only one or two upgrades away.
I’ve already been told “it’s your fault” for not farming enough crests and flightstones in time, and “you can still go back and do Normal raids if you care that much” which sure I can do in a few expansions from now probably. That doesn’t change how dirty it feels to have the ability to obtain these appearances from our already-obtained and currently-equipped Season 2 gear taken away like this.
Maybe I’m naive, but I’m still hoping this is only temporary for this week somehow. That the item upgrade NPCs were just disabled for this non-season week and all will be back to normal next Tuesday when Season 3 goes live. Or, if that’s not the case, maybe Blizzard will reconsider their purposeful decision to freeze all of our Season 2 gear mid-upgrade, and deploy a hotfix to let everyone upgrade it after the season starts since the ilvls won’t be relevant to endgame content whatsoever anymore.
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I have - or had, since Blizzard decided to convert all of my materials a week early - all of the necessary upgrade materials. I was just not expecting Blizzard to make the decision to convert early, and then also lock me out of being able to upgrade this week.
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For what its worth, if the crucible is still working, all the dreamsurge gear you purchase for 100 essences has been upgraded to i415 which I think gives the normal raid appearances when converted.
Unfortunately, it does not! All of the new Dreamsurge and Time Rift gear ( starting at 415 and 428 ) give only lfr appearances. I have upgraded one of each type of a single gear slot to max rank using flightstones and dreaming crests, and they still only give the lfr appearance.
If anyone has confirmation about whether gear from the Emerald Dream gives normal tier set appearances, please let me know. I have spent several fruitless hours in leather stack groups farming two specific dungeons for a single slot of leather, all because Blizzard decided we don’t get to get appearances anymore.
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Le sigh, dang it Blizzard
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