Blacklisting BGs and Dungeons So EVERYONES Time Is Not Wasted

Simply put Blacklisting is an essential QoL feature to remove the most hated and dreadful experiences from happening. I rather pour lemon juice over 1,000 paper cuts then do Heroic Deadmines or Strands of the Ancients.

Not only are you wasting the players time but you are also wasting time for everyone else involved. As a Tank I just got Heroic Deadmines said nope and left. Now they need to wait and find another Tank. They also likely don’t want to do it either due to how long and painful it is.

So with my 30 mins deserter I que for a Random BG and gets SotA and again say nope…and leave.

It’s just bad design. Furthermore now someone else will backfill into that BG or Dungeon and they don’t want to be there either. Sometimes Heroic Deadmines will have 5+ more refills just to complete it. Strands pops all the time for some reason please let us Blacklist these terrible experiences and stop wasting everyone’s time.

There is no reason to not have Blacklisting in game to allow for maximum fun when playing. It will also give the Devs important data on why those places are Blacklisted.

It’s time to bring back Blacklisting which was a very popular feature.


if you could blacklist dungeons you might aswell remove deadmines entirely because thats what the majority will blacklist


It’s not Random if you can blacklist things. You can just que for specific dungeons.


When Blacklisting was first introduced everyone did this for SoTA and that is why it was removed. Everyone hated that BG. Now if you remove SoTA from Random BG or Deadmines from Random Dungeons that is just giving the players what they want so they can have fun.

I’d consider that a Win/Win. However Blacklisting is obviously a great way to allow control over your experience so everyones time isn’t wasted.

Since lets look at the facts. I’m gonna leave these places EVERY SINGLE TIME. So will others. It’s that bad. So Blacklisting fixes that.


It was the same thing with Oculus but they improved it by giving more loot and making it actually super fast and easy in their last patch.

They could do a lot with DM but yes the easiest would be to introduce a feature to have it virtually non-existant for you.

Maybe they will add skips for “titan rune” in p2 who knows.

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If only there was some kind of feature that let you que for specific dungeons…


It’s not just for me it’s for the 99% of the playerbase.

Best part was just Queing specific Forged Souls cause it’s fast easy for Daily. Now as for Randoms why we can’t specifically Que dungeons and get Valor is beyond me. Perhaps a proper fix is having all Heroic Bosses drop Valor.

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You got a link to that survey?

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May the punishment fit the crime.

deadmines is extremely easy, stop whining.


How to piss off your player base 101.

Step 1 - make sure that fun BGs like twink peaks and gilneas are NOT working for random BGs.

Step 2 - Laugh as everyone is funneled into the historically most hated BG of all time - SotA. A BG so terrible it was originally blacklisted into oblivion and deleted.

Pretty sure WoW devs don’t pvp, ever.

Step 3 (bonus points) - Go on to create a BG in the future that’s even worse than SotA. Call it ‘seething shore’. Continue laughing maniacally at your customers that you hate.


There is no crime though. I pay for a Sub and there is bad design I don’t want to do so leaving is the current answer until Blacklisting is added. The punishment is another player will fill my spot then also leave and the cycle continues. Hurting the players that do stay.

It’s not. It’s the longest and most difficulty dungeon. No one wants to do it. That’s why people leave at start or it takes 10+ people to complete it.

Deadmines is fun to see 1 time, after that the Mario brother long technical dungeon isn’t worth doing. Especially when people keep leaving and wipes. The answer is Blacklisting or leaving at the start until we get it.

Very true. It’s really weird that SotA the most hated BG ever pops all the time. If it’s a bug fine but really it’s just bad design by the Devs.


Yes, this would be cool

Keep getting blackrock caverns and on second boss NO ONE will stand on the dumb beams no mater how many times they’re asked to, they either say sure thing and don’t or just don’t reply and try to avoid the whole mechanic and TKO


Ion, lead on retail, had a shaman with honor ranking so low it wasn’t even funny.

I want to say honor rank 5 tops

It was in fact impossibly low for a legion played char. They inflated honor in legion.

You could sneeze in bg and have a higher rank than he did. Hell it had pve quests that gave honor if no one was there. Wipe the npc’s, get honor, leave.


Oh come on now of course there is. You hit the queue button that you know will put you in a RANDOM dungeon. You didn’t pick a specific dungeon, you chose to pick a random dungeon for the bonus. You weren’t willing to actually do a random dungeon though, and you made your group waste time sorting out their group when you bailed on them.


cata is bad they shouldnbt waste time adding anymore features to it that didnt originally exist lmao

Just don’t queue random and use the specific queue instead? What am I missing here, this seems to already be in the game?

The whole point of the random queue is that you’re rewarded for filling into a run that you have no control over, if you want control over what you get, then you forefit the random reward.

This seems braindead easy, what is confusing here?


No there isn’t.

Why would you pick a specific dungeon currently when there is no reward.

Like everyone else we are forced into Random dungeons and we don’t want to do horrible ones. This is bad design from the Devs. This is a Dev problem to fix. The players currently have an option to instant leave because there is no Blacklisting.

Now the Devs can add in Blacklisting or just reward players for specific dungeons. Until then there is only one choice for the players which is to leave.

Now you have a choice to understand the facts or don’t but stop trying to gaslight anyone into thinking this isn’t a game design problem.

Read above? You can’t be missing this :roll_eyes: :rofl:

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The reward is the loot from the specific dungeon you want to do.

If you want the random reward, then you have to deal with random dungeon assignments.
Throwing your toys out the pram and quitting when you don’t get the dungeon you like in the random queue is hilarious.

This is a PEBCAK problem, not a game problem.

Don’t queue random if you don’t want random results.


For the record I am not arguing against a blacklist. Having said that, if you don’t want to do the job no one is forcing you to sign up. If the reward isn’t worth it do something else. If the reward is worth it man up and do it.