Can we remove Strand of the Ancients from random queue or entirely?

  1. The battleground is removed from retail for a reason.
  2. We want to PVP, not kill/use vehicles
  3. If people actually want to play it, okay, let’s give them the option
  4. It would be such a nice addition to the game to vote down/up or ban bgs from the random bg queue list, just like u can delist maps from starcraft.

It’s a really bad bg and i hope i can see some support in here. Wrath is over.

Also bg ques in general seem very fragile and susceptible to bugging, which is why single bg queueing is problematic for me at the moment. Most of the time, I get a que after double or triple the time it says estimated, and sometimes it never pops.

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Remove isle of conquest too. Both of these bgs bring absolutely nothing of value to the game. I don’t even want to queue for random bg to risk getting these.


Yeah… I personally like SotA and IoC so I’d rather it not be removed because it’s only available on cata servers.

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Yea there is a reason Strands and IoC were the 2 most Blacklisted BGs is because it’s not PvP. They have no place in this game. AV was the 3rd most Blacklisted BG again because it’s not PvP and a PvE zerg. Imagine that. PvPers actually want to fight other Players and test their skills, build and gear.

I leave these BGs like everyone else so they are in constant backfill. Or sometimes I get Strands I just jump off the boat at the start and swim now. It’s not PvP and not worth doing. Glad you like it but give us an option to pass on it because it just creates a toxic environment since 99% of the players base doesn’t want to be there.

Here is the Blacklisting thread. Support that and maybe they can add back this feature since we are in dire need of it.

It’s a BG. Is one really better/worse than the other? Of course, preference is subjective.

Are you queued for other things as well? Queuing for a dungeon seems to pause/stop the BG queue.


Id rather blacklist AV, which generally has no pvp whatsoever and is simply a PvE zerg while in Sota at least you need to pvp to defend the vehicles

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