There needs to be a deadmines skip

Why would you skip bosses? I’m in the dungeon for loot lol


Welcome to week 3 of a patch where a huge % of the population already ran 50+ heroics and is just farming valor.

Another 3 weeks and valor gear will be irrelevent and the game goes to full raid log mode


Maybe they should add a bonus at the end. Maybe a bag with a handful of gold and a quest item that lets you pick a rep token. Just a thought.


Nothing wrong with Deadmines.
No one in any groups I’ve been in has left.
Dungeon is not that long. If you are having issues with attention, there is help for that.
Insert whatever dungeon someone gets they don’t like.
There should be no skips to cater to the crowd (of 10 people) who seem to not want to play the game as it is.


its sad that people are dropping deadmines, its the most fun of any of the heroics if you know how to abuse the vehicles properly.


Yes I refuse to do this place again and I’m a Tank. If I get it I will say sorry to the group and leave instantly. Not going to suffer in that place again. The easy fix is Blacklisting which was an amazing feature that worked wonders in BGs and needs to return and expanded to Dungeons.

I wouldn’t do that place for 1 month free sub.

If only there was some way to que for specific dungeons…


whats wrong w/ the new deadmines, overtuned?

It takes longer than 10 minutes.
You get to the end and then have to run it all over again - and avoid things like fire and beams.

I like it though. I really love the new cookie.

I wouldn’t mind the ability to blacklist dungeons. I probably never would use it, but let’s be honest, the ones dipping now on longer dungeons won’t be queuing up much longer either once they have all they need for VP.


Given your toxic chatter in the forums, I highly doubt you say “sorry” when you leave.

If you think playing some pixels for 20 mins is stuffering, you have no idea what suffering means.


People are 100% doing heroics for specific bosses. The amount of runs i do where healers leave after the first boss because said item didnt drop only to have the replacement healer to insta leave because the boss he needs was already downed is very common. Most groups i tank actually stay together but id say about 20% of the groups have someone leave due to item not dropping or losing the roll for said item they want.

Nothing, people are overreacting. It only feels long to them because it has more unskippable bosses than other dungeons, not realizing that there’s overall way fewer trash pulls (if you actually make use of the mechanics within the dungeon, namely the permastun from the cannons that allow you to pull significantly more at once) as well as having to “redo” the dungeon during the nightmare sequence (which adds not even 3 whole minutes if you don’t drag your feet on it)

Why do you think that is? Deadmines is one if the most beloved dungeons ever, and probably one of the most nostalgic. I thought everyone adored Deadmines, didnt realize this was happening.

This was best case scenario for the rest of that group. Nobody wants to play with Garmuck.

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lol, but inevitably, people die to the beams cuz they’re in such a hurry - or jump ahead of the tank straight into the mob. little knowing there’s a sweet safe spot to the right behind the cannon.

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Ripsnarl takes ~3 minutes. Vancleef takes ~6 minutes+. This dungeon is egregious.

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If you don’t want to do Deadmines, a feature for that is already available.

  • Select the option “Choose specific dungeon”
  • then tick all the dungeons that you DO want to do.
  • And join the queue.

That’s how you skip dungeons you don’t want to run.
Why should blizzard add another way to do something that’s already available?
I’d far prefer they carry on fixing existing known bugs.


Deadmines takes me 15 min max idk what you guys are doing wrong Lmaoo

Is this where retail master race says "put all loot at the end of the dungeon like mythic+ and just roll it all off?

Now they just need to add the same valor rewards for doing specific dungeons that they do for random ones.

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