Blacklisting BGs and Dungeons So EVERYONES Time Is Not Wasted

BTW adding in blacklisting is very bad for the health of the queue in general.

What now happens to the people who need loot from the bosses of the commonly avoided dungeons? Now they can only get queue pops for the fast / skippable dungeons that valor goblins want to farm, making access to pre-bis harder.

Don’t queue random if you don’t want random results.


Wrong the reward is Valor and I’m not interested in your trolling or deflection of fixing the game. It’s clearly terrible design that just pisses off the player base. Just fix it!

Why are you argueing to not make the game better? Unless you are trolling.

Fine then the majority of the player base will continue to leave these bad dungeons or BGs when they pop. Which hurts the community. Have it your way. I don’t mind dungeon or BG deserter. I’ll do something else then Que again. Just like everyone else.


We could fix it.

Ok well this is a blacklist thread and lets get it done.

This isn’t true. We have to Valor cap. This isn’t an option. Now until we can do that Queing for specific dungeons then we are forced into Random ones. Then when terrible ones pop are going to leave so we don’t waste our time with the money we pay for a sub because the game should be FUN!!

I swear the stances people take on the forums. Just make the game better so more people want to play it. Lets have fun.

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Fine, I agree with you.
I like deadmines, so mine would be grim batol probably.

I definitely would Blacklist that too. We should have 2 Blacklist options to improve quality of life like we did for BGs. Why not just make the game fun and maximize players enjoyment. There is no downside.


The valor reward is from agreeing to queue for RANDOM dungeons, to fill in groups which are queueing for specific dungeons they need.
The whole point of the random queue is that you are agreeing to be flexible to allow others who need loot from specific dungeons to get a queue pop.

If you don’t want to be flexible, don’t queue random, queue specificly only for the dungeons that your fragile mental state can deal with.

To be very clear, this is not MY way, this is your way.
YOU are choosing to queue to random and then ragequit when you get the dice roll you don’t enjoy.
This is akin to going to a casino then flipping the table when the cards aren’t right.
Don’t be a sore loser, play the game that you agreed to play when you clicked on random, idiot, or don’t click on the button at all.


That’s a failed antiquated design concept.

Again this helps no one because and I said it already… WE DON’T NEED LOOT FROM THE DUNGEONS. We need VALOR!!! So we are FORCED to Que RANDOMS currently.

I’m trying to explain it to you like you are 5 years old. Now since they did just recently change the Valor cap to function like Conquest. I’d like to see them have every Heroic boss reward 50 Valor. Then… and ONLY THEN is the Valor reward Bonus.

To be clear this isn’t MY way this is the ONLY way and why players are forced to do it.

I’m not choosing, players don’t have a choice. It is a chore that must be done to get the reward. Players are trying to get through these chores as painlessly as possible. Why would the Devs want their game to be painful instead of fun?

Don’t you want players to have fun? You aren’t making any valid points. You are just ignoring the facts.

There are ONLY positives from adding the very popular Blacklisting feature now!

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So you want the valor reward and you ALSO want to be able to pick and choose which dungeons you get this valor reward from?

At this point, why does the random queue even exist? Just give valor reward at the end of EVERY dungeon regardless of how you queued it?
Forget blacklisting, just remove random queue so people like you can have your cake and eat it.

Yes, if you conviniently ignore the point made multiple times above that now people who actually need loot from dungeons you don’t like can’t get queue pops.


You might be learning here… Since the reason players are Queing is for Valor. I’ve been saying this :joy:

I mean that would be an improvement in game design. Don’t think you will get many people to argue with that. Players could just then pick what they want to do and enjoy the game. Maximizing BGs and Dungeons. Players love choice.

It’s an outdated point just like the system. The point you are making is irrelevant because you aren’t listening.

With that said there is no downside to Blacklisting. It worked before and players loved it so it can work again and for Dungeons.

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I’m sure the people who actually need gear from these dungeons don’t think it’s outdated.
I think you’re just being extremely selfish and shortsighted.
The random queue exists not for your benefit, but for the benefit of the entire system, you are given an additional reward for agreeing to fill in randomly to groups which have queued for specific dungeons (no additional reward) and need players to get started.

You can keep saying ‘blah blah outdated’ but it doesn’t change this. If random queue was removed tomorrow, what do you think would happen to the state of heroic queue pops for people who actually need gear from heroics?


Fixing a glaring design problem for players is selfish? Trying to improve the game so players have fun is shortsighted and selfish? Do you even hear yourself? Seriously.

I don’t think you understand how gearing works. The only thing that is outdated is the current system which doesn’t reward players for specific dungeons and forces them into unfun bad situations because they need Valor.

No you are not. Until Heroic Bosses start dropping Valor you aren’t given and additional reward. :rofl: You are forced into Randoms because you NEED Valor. Stop saying it’s additional when it clearly isn’t.

Thanks for the bumps even though everything you said is completely flawed. Lets make the game better please and thanks. Add Blacklisting, Add Valor too Heroic Bosses, Add Conquest to every BG win, Raise the caps even more, have more catchup mechanics. Lets have fun! Really lets have FUN! The Devs can do this and make the game FUN!

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The vito option is added in Mists of Pandaria.

A patch just dropped removing the random queue, valor is now rewarded for every heroic clear (last boss) and people are queueing for the fastest/most skippable heroics to get their quick and easy valor.

I’m a DPS and my pre-bis cape drops from a boss in deadmines heroic, my queue hasn’t popped for 45mins, what do you suggest I do?

You don’t have to remove the Que because it is still needed see below.

You can give Valor for every boss. There is no reason not too.

Since you can only do that 1 time because of lockouts. This actually isn’t happening. I’m hoping you are starting to see the as you say… bigger picture.

Making up a scenario that isn’t going to happen doesn’t help your case. No one is in this situation because it doesn’t exist. Again you don’t understand how gearing works. People are doing Heroics for Valor not loot. Why do you want a blue cape when you can get an Epic one from Valor or Rep.

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So deadmines does infact drop pre raid bis for nobody, and everyone does infact LOVE queuing for deadmines? I thought this entire post was your diary entry about how much you hate deadmines and instantly abandon your group the moment you see the loading screen?

This entire thread is to make the game better for the community. You aren’t offering anything of value to it sadly.


Also Pre-Raid BiS gear is Epic 359 gear. Which is from… Valor, Rep and Crafted. It’s not actual loot from Heroics. People are Queing Heroics for Valor to get Pre-Raid BiS.

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ok brother

Again you aren’t making a point. Lets have fun and fix bad design. Increasing drops, QoL choices, Increasing rewards, adding more places for rewards is fun. Cata phases are fast lets get people geared and having fun. Then guess what you might have more players staying logged in.

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Dismissing my points doesn’t mean I’m not making any points mate.

Throwing hugely accelerated rewards everywhere does NOT increase player retention in an MMORPG. Most people play for character progression, if you gift it to them for little effort in a very short time, they do not keep playing the game because there is nothing to do.

Just look at SoD, they were gifted a very fast level cap and essentially a free pre-raid set, now people just raid log for months, it’s a completely dead phase.


Well deadmines is ridiculous… It’s a cool story design the first time. But as a dungeon you do regularly? The dungeon has the most boss beside HoO, but you can skip some in HoO.

On top of that some boss are designed to waste your time wrath dungeon style or worse. Which most other cata dungeons are free of. And that in my opinion is the main culprit of this dungeon’s disrespect of people’s time.

Ripsnarl goes away at certain % of health forever 3 times if I remember right.
Vanessa is ridiculous. She makes you do a storyline gauntlet I guess? that takes forever and gives no rewards at all. Then in the fight itself she has a dumb parry mechanic that you cannot avoid as far as I know(maybe I am unaware of the way to avoid it) and she becomes unable to be attacked for a while so you can jump a rope or just stand there on the edge of the ship for a while. Incredible hands off the keyboard gameplay.

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There are 3 bosses in a row with no trash in Deadmines.
The RP between cookie and vanessa makes up for this.
Compare this to other dungeons which have trash between the 3 bosses, the total time spent is the same or more.