Ban Culture of 2024/2025

You don’t have to I really don’t care if you believe me or not

Care enough to let me know how little you care

No, they are not. If you have any evidence to the contrary, then you’re welcome to provide it, but nobody has ever done so.

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Are you willingly ignorant of the parts of the bible that have been weaponized against others? Or the potential of this preacher being from a hateful congregation a la Westboro Baptist? Whole lotta info missing from your example.

Is that opinion hateful? calling for violence? If that is the case then that is the consequences of the persons own actions, not a fee fees are hurt cancel cancel situation.

It’s entirely made up.
It’s a dismissive term to absolve someone of being hateful or from the consequences of their own actions.

I do not. If you do, that may be something you have in your own head as a boogeyman you created. Not a great way to live with a self imposed limitation like that.


You seem to have an obsession with my posting on here so I figured you just wanted some attention so i gave you some. There there little gnome that will do move along now.

NOBODY is getting a ban off of false reports , a real person has to review them before a final decision is made. So if they are getting banned it’s because they have done something deserving of one.


No he was not the idiots from Westboro. The man was simply preaching about salvation nothing he said or did was attacking anyone the mob came to him and attacked him for what he did. You seem to just live in a bubble.

Wanna shoot a link my way to support your made up event? Don’t need TL3 to fudge a link.

Never said he was, I used them as an example. Currently using you as an example of people who buy into click bait online and prefer sensationalism over critical thinking.

OH HO HO HO You fool, you have no idea what my day to day is like and the interactions I have during them. I wish I lived such a comfortable life.

Edit: You are also proving that you don’t even abide your “ignore and move on” stance too.

Also, gonna go ahead and move on with my life, I hope you have a good holiday and that you think more about what agreements mean to you and others. If you post your video I will watch it, curious as to see what set the mob off.


Removing toxic players from any game who hinder others or spew vitriol to break TOS isn’t a bad thing. Overall people want to play the game to have fun and relax not be around negativity making themselves not want to play.

People aren’t getting random bans from false claims , if they get suspended it’s because they did something to break the TOS deserving of it.
How does keeping griefers or rude people in game improve or help the game?


It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.

Is that the one where someone decided to enter a no-protesting zone around a medical clinic then got arrested for it? Civil disobedience, sure, but it was the outcome he was expecting. He knew there was no blocking or protesting within X feet of that clinic.

He did not get arrested for his bible passages, he got arrested for where he decided to stand while reading them and for refusing to move out of the no protesting zone.

He was free to read his passages all he wanted a bit farther away, provided he was not accosting people.

If that is the one you are talking about…I suspect it is.

It was not about free speech or religion like they tried to pretend. Dude did it on purpose and pretended to be a victim of his own actions - when he knew exactly what the consequences were.

Real protesters at least have the backbone to own it when they knowingly break civil laws as a protest. They don’t pretend their sit in, or road blocking, was somehow legal. They were doing it to make a point with disruption.


No this was an area where people gathered and had tables out selling things and what not I cant quite remember where but it was lawful to gather there The guys name is David Love if I am not mistaking I will have to look it up again its been a few years ago.

No it won’t. I want your definition of “soft.”

Because all I’m seeing is factual information being given.


Lack of toughness being pretty much the majority of this. The inability to deal with a disagreement without being offended because you don’t have the same opinion. Is that adequate enough?

Because if someone’s behavior is extreme, then their punishment should match. We are not talking about simple debates in trade but people who spout hateful comments or make derogatory comments. We all agree to a standard of behavior to play the game and that standard needs to be enforced.


So, a non-issue because that doesn’t result in bans. Glad we got that cleared up

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I also see someone acting like a victim when they agree to basic rules of civility, then are expected to follow them. If they don’t they have to deal with consequences.

Personal responsibility is a thing that I think a lot of people forgot. They are not a “victim” or “cancelled” when the consequences of their own actions catch up to them. They should stop doing things that get them kicked out if they are going to “cry” about it afterwards.


The best part is that he even clarifies that WoW has an additional layer of automation that other games lack.

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I can be pretty abrasive (especially against people that I think are “bullies”).

That said - I’ve played this game nearly 20 years, and have never been banned.

That also said, I’m also not like racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, or anything else you know. I’m certainly not afraid to tell someone when they’re just flat out wrong though, either…and that goes for /instance or /trade or /general…or whatever. I’ve gotten an automated silence before (this is what you get when multiple people report you in quick succession). 90% of those silences were completely unwarranted, and just brought on by trolls bullying me that didn’t necessarily agree with what I said (not because I broke any rules of conduct, etc). But yeah, there must be some human involvement (above and beyond the automated system) that throws out the bans.

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How does “acting tough” have anything to do with following rules?

Can you show me an example of this in this thread? Who is offended? And how are people not dealing with a disagreement in here?