AV map layout why is this not a priority. This was addressed and fix back in the day

I appreciate the honesty. I am not opposed to the idea that something did change, I just have not seen any compelling reason to think that it has.

Why even try to lie about being open to the idea when 2 seconds ago you were telling me I was a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist?


You’re missing the point.

Is this a play on words?

Also here I did some easy work for you that you could have done simply by searching the forums.


Yes, we know there was a super janky way to circumvent what Blizzard put in…no one was arguing that.

All for a good tin foil hat theory but not considering how big of an impact those premades had on AV’s queues and blaming a stealth change is kind of stretching things.

Those premades were opening as many games as it took to get 40 people together. Who knows what that average was.
What we do know is those games started shorthanded as pretty much auto losses for allies.
This is what kept allies queues instant because the solo queues always had open games because there were so many starting short handed. Not to mention those who afked out because they couldn’t stand auto losses.
I’ve seen almost entire premade teams afk out because Horde defended and broke premades zerg to boss. They didn’t want pvp and they sure as hell didn’t want a game going over 6 mins. They wanted HpH. Guess what. Those solo queues back filled into those abandoned games.
Take away premades opening extra games? Everyone’s queue goes up. No stealth change. No conspiracy. No Horde favoritism. Just mathematics.

So in your mind Alliance just stopped doing it just for fun?
You don’t go from 1000 active members to 0 over night without a hotfix.

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I’m talking about after the initial premades. When alliance found a way to circumvent the hotfix.

No, I’m saying it was super janky and moving to WSG was better. Please read what I’ve actually said.

Oh when most serious alliance rankers abandoned AV for WSG premades? You don’t see that impact?

So one discord with a potential 25 premades. How many abandoned extra games you think 1 premade was averaging per day?

Edit math. Lol

I’m talking specifically about the POST AV hotfix where empty lobbies were no longer being forced. At this point not a single pug alliance player was impacted by the Alliance premades because they were only popping games will full lobbies.

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Yes WSG was still better honor per hour at this point.
You’re still in denial that a hotfix happened to prevent alliance from premading. Even with WSG being better HPH both discords had 1000’s of CONCURRENT people using them. Once the hotfix landed within a day the discords were dead.


So is this when you guys started abusing the afk report feature to get rid of pugs that weren’t in your group or were you guys doing that all along?

That got removed way earlier, like december or something.

So you’re agreeing with me that the rankers moved to WSG? Do you not understand how losing those players from the pool make an all ready janky system not function anymore?

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Makes me wonder. If alliance hadn’t abused that tool. Would the leeching and botting have ever gotten as bad as it did?
It’s like alliance did everything they could to screw this bg up and blame horde bias…

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To my knowledge, nothing has been done to the “report for spamming” feature that was being used against pugs that sniped into a premades.

That forced the lucky winner to disconnect as the system flagged the account with a squelch…if they had raid leader then they would lose that during the disconnect.

Yes, that system did not change. The report for AFK auto-remove was changed though.

With the spam/language reports you were only disconnected and could come back to the game.

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