Thanks Ruffle but I’ve already tried that. When I didn’t get my currency yesterday I logged out hoping it would be there today when I logged in and it wasn’t. As soon as the the mount was available and the chest couldn’t be clicked on, I talked to both vendors and still nothing. Thanks for the suggestion tho.
At this point I kinda don’t understand why they don’t disable the Trading Post until its issues are resolved. I know, this isn’t affecting everyone, but it’s clearly affecting more people day by day, and this just leads to further player frustration with nothing but devs’ belief that there’s no progress lost. I’m sure they believed the feature was going to work as intended when they released it too.
They could disable it, resolve all the issues, and bring it back again in a couple of days. It means some players don’t get to progress on their traveler’s journals, but it would prevent more players completing it and ending up in the same situation as all the players here complaining about getting jack from their monthly reward.
They had no problem disabling it on the EU realms, why does NA just have to limp along while they resolve it?
If you feel this should be done, it’s be better suited outside of the CS forum as the blues here ain’t part of the team who’s working on this and ain’t able to pass this along.
Vrakthris already explained that was a different issue:
There are players who are having issues logging into the game. Should Blizzard shut down the whole game until their issue is addressed? No. The same goes for this issue.
This isn’t a one-and-done event. It’s a new feature to the game. The “event” lasts until March.
Why shut it down because a small number of players are having issues? Contrary to what posters have said, it doesn’t appear to actually be that wide-spread. If it were as impactful as posters claim, there would be a lot more postings about it, by a lot more players.
The Twitch Drops issue had a lot more posts about it than this one does. Blizzard didn’t stop the ones they were running last fall because of it. Blizzard even ran a new one this week.
Now that the code for it is in the game, and a lot of players have been working on it, what impact would removing it have? At the moment the Devs don’t believe player progress is lost. When they patch it players should be able to pick up where they stopped off. The ones who earned the mount should be able to get it. If they do disable it, would it lose everyone their progress? Not just the ones having what seems to be a display issue, but also the ones who aren’t.
Because the EU issue was totally different from this. Their issue happened immediately after the realms came up. Blizzard removed it within hours. The fix to theirs was happening during our maintenance and the same fix was applied to the NA realms so we wouldn’t have the issue the EU was having. Two totally different issues.
It would mean everyone who hasn’t successfully completed would be impacted, instead of the few that are having issues. Removing it would be a lot more disruptive.
It’s cute that you think that, but Kozzae will be doing no such thing. They are a player just like you, me, and everyone else posting in text that is not blue.
I guess you’ll just have to take that forum removal sooner than you hoped for.
We do understand that I don’t work for Blizzard? Perhaps before a moderater misunderstands your fustrations, you might reconsider and edit your post with the knowlydge I do am awaiting my own mount?
You have not had patience since it is only the 5th and this is affecting a small amount of players. They have acknowledged there is an issue and are working on resolving it. That takes time. You are NOT getting screwed over as they are trying to fix it and get you what you think you are owed. There are so many different computer systems that are involved in this issue and they cannot code it to work for every system straight from the start.
I don’t know if this is the place to report this but I believe the issue to stem from attempting to open the cache on a character who has not initiated the quest. On launch of the TP, I received the quest on my shaman, but after completing some requirements, I went and continued the quest on my Druid — a character who is 70 but had never completed the dragon isles starting quest line. The close proximity of the npc drakthyr atop the stockade, was causing an issue with me completing the trading post quest. After dropping that dragonflight starting quest, I could complete the trading post one but I could not open the cache to receive my rewards. At least on my Druid, when I switched to my shaman, he could access the cache and collect the coins inside. After completing the monthly requirement though, I could not get access to the cache on either character to receive the mount.
You report it by adding your issue to one of the many threads in the Bug Report Forum as they are the ones who work on finding and fixing bugs.
I didn’t have that issue. I did the entire questline that was available when it first was added and then completed the final quest to open the Trading Post. I completed the original questline in one go on one character. I did it on a few other characters as well before the Trading Post was added.
When it came to this month’s progress I had two bars on my character when I first went to the post because I did stuff before going there. Then it went to zero. Nothing showing at the chest. I filed a bug report about the missing progress. I earned another bar. Was showing only one bar for a couple hours. Then all three I had earned showed.
Personally I had no issue getting the last two bars and the mount. I know not everyone was able to get their progress or mount to show.
I collected the rewards for the mount yesterday, no mount, and now my traveler’s rewards have been reset to zero, just earned more for completing love is in the air dungeon. what the heck, blizzard!
As stated many times, they are working on it.
Until they’ve actually announced that the fix has been pushed out and is live, I would try not to let any anomalies test your nerves. Things are not working as they are intended to work. They are actively working on it all.
If you see some new behavior, post in the bugs forum so the right staff can see it. Continuing to pile in here does absolutely nothing since this forum is one for players to assist other players. No staff comes here beyond our SFAs.
If your currency has disappeared, bug report. If there is some new weirdness, bug report. That’s all we can do until the fix is live.
Well, a little different in that my traveler’s cache has reset after I earned 1000 and now have 200 after love is in the air dungeon completed.
Then you need to post about it in the Bug Report forum. No staff comes here beyond our SFAs, and they have no part in fixing bugs. If you see new behavior, you report it where the Devs collect their data - not here as this forum is a player to player support forum.
Just going to say that this stinks big time seeing other people riding on the mount when I was done days ago and have no mount to show for it and I feel like Im never going to get it just like the spectral mount from the cards a no show.
You’re certainly allowed to feel that way, but if you want to let the staff know it? Best to submit your feedback through the in-game suggestion and user interface. Unfortunately, this forum is a player assisting other players forum, so no staff comes here to see any of this beyond our SFAs, and they do not relay along what folks are saying.
I’ve never understood this bit. They’re clearly Blizzard staff, but they’re barred from relaying any information seen on this forum to the other teams? That sounds highly inefficient.