Ash'adar mount

Blizzard doesn’t have Customer Service forums. They have Customer Support.


Customer Support is a player to player assistance forum. The only Blues you will see on this forum are our Support Forum Agents. They are not GMs, they are not Devs. They do their utmost to offer advice and insight when and where they can.

To be perfectly honest, the Devs (who again, don’t come here) have been pretty on top of posting about this issue, rather unlike them actually. I wish they were this on top of and transparent with all of the issues that come about.

If you want to complain, you’re absolutely welcome to. Tweet @WarcraftDevs should you like, or submit your feedback in-game through the suggestions and feedback tool. As this forum is one for players to assist other players, you complaining here isn’t being passed along to anyone who needs to see it. This is literally the only forum that no staff comes to beyond our SFAs, and they do not relay along feedback as there are other proper channels for that. If you absolutely must vent on the forums, General Discussion is the best place for it.

Also, just because -

Emphasis mine. You speak for yourself, no one else. Throw all the tantrums you’d like. There are plenty of people who can speak just fine in all of the Bug Report and GD threads you’re spam posting in, they don’t need you to speak for them. Same for the people already in this thread.

And if you want to talk about bull excrement, as you’ve “maskedly” called it? I call it on your crickets that you keep talking about over and over and over again.



Those are Dev posts. This forum is littered with posts from our SFAs where it’s been acknowledged that there was an issue since it was being posted about. So how about you try and hop off whatever mess you’re on about there being nothing posted in the FIVE WHOLE DAYS this has been active.

I’ll also happily point out that nowhere does it say that the mount or anything else would be delivered within X time frame or even immediately upon completion. If you can find that documented somewhere officially, I’ll gladly apologize.