Are you kidding me?

Had a character for 2 years and then a bunch of people flag me for rename and my accou t is suspended for a day? You wanna force the rename fine.

Ridiculous. I definitely am over this stupid crap.

Definitely not gonna renew.


Just because you had a specific name for two years doesn’t mean anything. Blizzard is reactive when it comes to reports.

It only takes one report for an action to happen. A GM reviewed the report and decided your name (whatever it was) was against policy.

Except in serious situations, the first violation is a forced rename. The second violation could be the GM choosing a new name. The third and subsequent violations would be suspensions. Renaming a character to the same or similar name will also result in escalating penalties. This was certainly not your first rodeo.

If you’d like to appeal the name change, you may do so here:

Regardless, discussing disciplinary actions is against the Forum Code of Conduct. Getting clarification is fine, but arguing about an action is definitely against the Code of Conduct:


Again, depending on the severity of the name in question, your previous history may or may not be taken into account when an account action is applied.

The bottom line is, the rules were broken. Player(s) reported your name and Blizzard agreed it was against the rules.

Also, the name you just edited in to your post is inappropriate. Perhaps read the rules next time.


Read my edit. It’s not offensive at all unless you hate men.

So what happens Is some group of people wanna ruin my day. And the woke gm let’s them. Man hating bs.

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The rules apply to everyone.

World of Warcraft Naming Policy

Blizzard’s In-Game Code of Conduct

Best of luck wherever your future gaming takes you!


Loll best of luck playing your dead game.

I don’t see why that name would get a 24 hour ban.

It’s pretty harmless. I guarantee if it was a woman themed name it would be no action taken.

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It doesn’t really outline how his name was really an issue.

I don’t think he deserved that punishment.

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If you use urban dictionary and split the name into two words with the first being beard, you should get it.

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That’s not the character who’s name was banned.

He mentioned it in his edit. And dride is a dash cam vendor.

Your really reaching. Point is there shouldn’t be a suspension anyways. It should just be a name change.

Take note that acceptable names are determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision, and role-playing servers may have distinct standards for using game-appropriate names.

We get it, you’re feigning ignorance to make a point.

Oh wait, were you being serious?


Begging them to flag you and you know it.

Moving this over, as it has nothing to do with Technical Support.

As the others pointed out, how long you have had a name isn’t relevant. Our policies are reactive in nature. Reports also do not cause an action to happen unless the name is found to be against policy.

Please understand, we do try to provide a warning when possible. Usually, the first bad name will receive a name change and a warning. Subsequent violations may receive suspended game time.

That doesn’t appear to be accurate. I see one in 2019, which would have used the one warning. The point of the penalties aren’t there just because, we actually dislike applying them at all, but it is supposed to be a deterrent to help curb the behavior.

It might be offensive to some, but it is simply inappropriate for our T for Teen rated game.

Alternatively, some other players recognized that the name you selected might violate the game’s policies and reported it for review. A Game Master, following the policies and guidelines that we have established for them, agreed that the name was inappropriate and therefore took actions.

Your being a man has nothing to do with it.

You do know we can see when you post on alternate characters, right? Sockpuppeting in support of your own views also violates our Forum Code of Conduct. In this case, I’m just going to close the thread.