Can we get account wide ignore?

Err that’s fair then. But that’s only really a specific section of the forums that they wouldn’t ordinarily use.

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I mean, even sometimes, people here in GD can be helpful too, if the right questions are asked. Though on rare occasions as well I should add. Usually, there is a lot that goes on here, and when someone needs help with something, these sort of things get buried fast because of other threads. And lets say if it was a typical Sunday bait thread, people would mostly be focusing their attention towards those threads rather than the broader forums, because those bait threads would be exploding pretty fast.


The problem I have with trying to help people on GD is that their “questions” aren’t always actually asked in good faith. The tell for that is the people who ask “how does this work” then get mad isn’t the answer they wanted, revealing that the “question” was a complaint thread in disguise

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Ah the threads of someone asking a question then about 30 responses in it just goes to all Hell.

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Yeah, I have seen a lot of those, and some have been more of demands too. But you do get the rare occasional person asking the question in good faith.

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It’s only Blizzard that sets the rules for their forums.

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Let me explain further. This is a hypothetical, yes, but if someone, and I’m not implying you have done this to me or anyone else, was harassing or bullying someone on this forum, or reddit, or twitter, or facebook etc. to the point that a person felt that permanently ignoring them was the best recourse, and the ignored person went out of their way to set up or purchase a new account for the express purpose of getting around the ignore/block and continue the mistreatment of the person who blocked them it, in my opinion, would be unhinged and down right scary that a person went to those lengths. Where I live in NC, and in almost 1/2 the states in the US, there are cyberbullying laws. It wouldn’t be my first action, I’d of contact Blizzard first and then work my way up to legal stuff. I’m keenly aware of bullying/cyberbullying because I have a special needs kiddo who has had some kids say some very horrible things about him and I simply am not going to tolerate buffoonery any more.

That said, my main point is that if a person and/or group of people have decided to add you to a block or ignore list and you decide to make a new account/subscription just so you can continue to be able to say the things that got you blocked initially is horrible. And if they blocked you once the chances of them blocking you again are high because its doubtful your position is going to radically shift.


Heat up the pepperoni separately in the air fryer. :sunglasses:

If you think your commentary is bad enough that you will suffer “reputation damage”, maybe consider not saying it. Most of us learned this simple concept in gradeschool.


Gonna be a bit sporadic posting from me for the time being. Had to setup home hospice care from my Dad, so that is keep me busy for a while.

I hope we get some much needed forum updates in the near future like account wide ignores and such


He’s a real vile individual from what I found outside the forums and his post history. I can understand why he wants to keep his shenanigans in the shadows.


Don’t know you well, or at all really, beyond the forums here, but I empathize with what you are going through with your father. Take care of yourself.


Yeah no one mentioned anything regarding war bands and the forums, so it will likely stay as it currently is, which I believe is good for the forums.

Realistically they seem to be working towards making everything account wide eventually and over time so hopefully account wide ignores and other account wide options will come in time. :dracthyr_comfy_sip: :dracthyr_comfy_sip: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


And not rare either.


But the added context doesn’t fit their narrative!


Case of, “leave things off to make it sound like something else”


How dare you go and read everything, instead of focusing on the select words that casts one specific side in the light, but doesn’t reveal the entire argument. For shame.


not “extremely rare”, so it is still rare.

classic characters will never be in the warbands of the retail game, so those will never be bound in that way

I cook my pepperoni and or salami in a frying pan and render alot of the fat out, dab it with paper towels before putting it on the pizza to bake.