Can we have more privacy in forums to feel more safe?

C’mon, are you going to tell me where abouts in the Code of Conduct it is against to rephrase or edit a quote within a post?

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Practice what you preach.

your posts are really precious , thank you Liolang.

Account-wide ignores would be great. If that was a thing and ignored posters didn’t appear on the feed, threads like this would just be crickets to exist quietly in peace before being shut down for being… the same thing repeated over and over.

Btags are irrelevant simply because if you ignore the person that’s it. Only time knowing when someone is just posting on an alt would matter is when someone shows up and starts suspiciously mirroring the same exact sentiment but putting one on ignore and suddenly having several characters blip out of the conversation accomplishes the same thing.


I don’t think these forums are particularly bad. In fact they’re probably incredibly tame. The things that get flagged on these forums are usually wrong-think, and sometimes trolling. We notice the trolling threads because they blow up, but we completely ignore the people that get flagged for wrong-think. Trolling threads are actually not that common.

Many of the people that create troll threads are repeat offendors who simply wait out their temp bans and come right back in to make their troll threads and they do it on the same characters. Battle tags won’t solve those issues, and it won’t solve the issues with “well intentioned” forum people from punishing people for wrong-think or bad opinions.

The forums are pretty much fine the way they are.

It’s not about safety. They want to use sockpuppet alts to keep posting their message when people set them to ignore. This is against the CoC.
Continuing the discussion from Are you kidding me?:


@Nelfas: If you are going to make an appeal to the rules of conduct on the forums then it would behoove you to cite which article in question you think Ayukama is in violation of.

Failure to do so while continually making the allegation would ironically be a violation of the CoC.


I mean, you’re not wrong, things aren’t all that bad, but they are far from good either.

In other words, there is a lot of room for improvements.

Oh, found it:

Rephrasing Nelfas Post

  • This includes editing any post made by Nelfas in form of quote-editing

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a cookie

Youre welcome. :+1::+1:
let me know if you need more of my wisdom shared here.

can you elaborate about this? Why you think that? I am not that person.

your wisdom is most welcomed here. I really like reading your posts.

Just an account wide ignore would be enough.
Though my guess is, based on how many tell me they want the ignore and want to ignore me…then two years later still havent ignored me, thus proving there is some other agenda going on here…that an account wide ignore isnt going to actually have the effect that some asking for one believe it will.

Moderation 99.999% of the time takes care of problematic threads in timely fashion and if we’re so offended by that thread we can CHOOSE to mute it and ignore the threads poster.

I realize some want the forum in total lockdown 24 hours a day…but if that is ones mindset, I would submit that one might just want to get off the internet entirely for ones own peace of mind.

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Well, people did, but it was on one of your burner characters.


I see the debate has begun again.

You should just let Nelfas have their post.

They’ll just keep coming back.

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Good luck with this one. They’re just making up the rules.


good find lol :cookie:

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Speaking of which, I need to make more of those this weekend.


I was planning on making some last weekend, but my gas got disconnected over the weekend due to roadworks in the area and working on the gas lines.

It would behoove you Nelfas to resolve this matter in order to avoid mass reporting for trolling.


Just one report is enough. Don’t give anyone ideas, especially when the mods have confirmed mass reporting is usually from switching between alts to flag the same post over.