Are you happy with the vote kicking system blizzard?

50 threads atleast I have read. This shows that vote kicking system is flawed and being manipulated by guilds and group players.

Remove this primitive ideology system that only favours the dictators and their ideologies.

No fairness. Players are being kicked for no reason.

How can a social contract exists and have any relevance with this primitive ideology of vote kicking.


Yes. Please don’t change it. It’s my second favorite game to play.


I just think with the amount of complaining about how often it’s abused to kick players for no reason, I would have seen it happen firsthand at least once


The number of threads doesn’t matter because 1 player can create multiple threads on the same topic.

Blizz alone knows if it’s a widespread issue…and I doubt it is


You don’t see it is because you don’t solo que.

Take one wrong turn and the neck beards kick you out.

You are now wondering wth did you do.

You have now wasted 30 min of your time.


and I sure am glad you have so generously given us the 51st.

you’re only hearing half the story, and you don’t know how much of that story is even true.

I can come on here and say i got kicked for low dps, even if i was actually kicked because I was just being a jerk in the chat, but left it out to make myself look better.

the vote to kick system has it’s flaws for sure, but it does it’s job just fine. it doesn’t need any changes.


Wonderful all the vote kick defenders are in this thread defending the broken system.

So simple question to you all.

Tell me why do we sign and contract and have a vote kick.

What is the purpose ?

Blizzard. Look at their logic. See how your system is failed and watch their defense.

I asked them a simple question.


I exclusively solo queue. I have zero friends that play this game and am not in a guild on any of my characters.


Can you post on your main account not your hidden, 1k post, forum troll account please, pretty please.

To answer your question: social contract doesnt say anything about having to play with people that dont pass the imaginary, coin flipped vibe check i have made up.


I confused why you are acting like that is some sort of gotcha question.

Voting to kick someone and the social contract are not mutually exclusive. There are many reasons you may want to remove someone from your group even if their actions do not violate the social contract


you mean the social contract? the social contract is there to let you know what not to do to get your account banned. we also have the vote to kick because there are reasons you may want to kick a player that are not bannable.

not knowing the way through a dungeon is not a bannable offense. but when your tank is getting lost, and refuses to follow the rest of the group, it’s annoying for everyone else at best, and completely stops you from making progress at worst. with no vote kick system you would be stuck in that group until you left and ate a 30 minute penalty, or sit in a dungeon that took 10x as long as it needed to.

you cannot force another player to play with you, nor should you be able to.


You have gotten that question answered dozens of times in your many threads.

Blizzard is not going to FORCE people to play with someone they don’t want to play with. For any reason.

The “Social Contract” is a recap of the rules we have had since 2004 + the intro that says “be nice”. The “be nice” part is not a rule - just a suggestion.

One person may not ruin the dungeon for 4 others. That most certainly suits the intent of the game and even the social contract.

What people can’t do is use profanity/masked profanity, slurs, etc at the person they kick.

This thread is spam at this point.


See blizzard he could answer. He is the one manipulating your broken system.

The social contract clearly states : play a fair game and have fun. -

Name one. I am tank. I have played 10x more number of dungeons than you.

Name one reason why you want to vote kick.

All respect to you. You have a nice title.

My humble answer to you is. You are not qualified to answer in this thread.

You have stated that you do not do any kind of group content and you enjoy follower and solo game play.

Thank you - leave this post to us. People who actually play the group content.

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in addition to this i would also want to kick someone who is being rude for no reason, or is repeatedly wiping the group.

This is called the “ad populum fallacy”, basically “because I see lots of people who claim something it must be true” … Which is exceedingly silly considering most of these threads seem to be posted by trolls.

Still ain’t a thing happening, no matter however many times you or other pretend it is.

Not applicable in this situation as the social contract has nothing to do with it. But even if you’d REALLY want to drag that into it … the social contract would be in favour of vote kicking since people’s behaviour in WoW is based on the consent of others.

If other people consent to your behaviour as showcased by not reporting reportable behaviour, then that behaviour is fine in regards to the player providing implicit consent. This is most applicable in guilds, between friends, and to a lesser or greater extent on roleplay realms. But it is also easily transferred to a group setting in which your behaviour is democratically chosen as acceptable or not in regards to vote kicks.

Just drop it. No matter however much ya’ll want to force people hostage, it ain’t happening.


I highly doubt that you have done 10x more dungeons than I have in my almost 20 years of playing this game…

But if you, for example, refuse to use the route the rest of the group wants, it would be a perfectly acceptable reason to kick a tank…or anyone for that matter

Your actions wouldn’t violate the community contract, but the group has no reason to stick with you when you refuse to do what the majority wants.


You know the concept of fair doesnt actually exist right? Whats fair for one is unfair for another. Its fair to you that you will never be kicked, its unfair for me that you exist (in my group).

I will continue to flip my imaginary vibe check coin, and target kick all Demon Hunters, because its fair to me that after the many seasons of having them destroy my alts in PvP, they dont pass my vibe check.

Also again, post on main, pretty pretty please.

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Might be related to this thread in CS? Same rhetoric.

Blue reply on how Kick works and why it exists (along with the debuff).

I am also going to add - there IS a cooldown on kicking within the system. People who kick too often find it on cooldown. The OP has had that explained too.

They were also told that they can make their own group, or run Follower dungeons. They do not get to force 4 other people to play with them their way. Voting in action - majority rules.


All of us have queued solo. And I’ve been using LFD since its inception. Rarely do I see vote kicks and even more rare are the dumb reason kicks.

If the problem was widespread and systemic, Blizz would’ve changed the system.

Mirasol answered your questions with factual information given to us about the social contract and Blizzard’s stance on VTK. Not her opinion on running with groups.


Yep. This has existed since its inception. People forget that exists.

Thanks for the blue post, Mira. :purple_heart:

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