Are hero talent trees covenants all over again?

are blizzard going to be able to balance the different hero trees you can choose between?

will players feel forced to choose a hero talent tree that they don’t like the fantasy of, just because it is currently the ‘meta’ choice or does the most dps?

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This has always been the way with talents and talent trees in this game. No different from today.

If you chase the 1% at the top, you will play whatever the meta is. If you just play the game, you can probably do fine with other talents.


I’m less concerned with balance between a spec’s 2 different hero talent trees.

Much more concerned with Blizzard’s usual bias toward the usual suspects for having cool trees in the first place.

I’m quite sure that Warrior, Paladin, Priest will have amazing hero talents.

Monk, Rogue, Shaman… not so much.


I’m not sure how much class fantasy will really be baked into hero talents outside of the names.

Seems more to me like you just get to pick between one of two sets of extra talents to gain as you level through the campaign.

While I’m looking forward to whatever a Lightsmith is on this toon, Master of Harmony sounds hella cool for my MW Monk.

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The only major difference is it sounds like it will be very easy to switch to a different hero spec, so you might have a situation where some are better in M+ and others in raid, or niche uses, etc, and it will be easier to swap to the meta one for specific content than it was for covenants.


Who knows.

But good news: unlike covenants, they already said you can swap out the Hero Talents whenever you want so you lose nothing for sticking with the ones you like the most.


They aren’t going to be balanced and they are going to another min-max feature where you take or you will do less than someone who has the other

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idk i see them. mroe as conduits.

It’s worth noting that you can literally change your hero talents by just opening your talent window and swapping them around.

You aren’t visiting some kind of terminal to change your soulbind/conduit stuff, just pressing ‘N’ and clicking the ones you want to use.


Already the game is poorly balanced. This is adding another layer to balance that they cant handle

People already complain about that with regular talents, even when it’s not really true.

There are some players where the easy to play passives build would result in them doing more damage than a more complicated build, even if that more complicated build is the meta build.


Nothing will ever be equal.

You’re never forced, people just might not play with you.

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The big, I mean huge, difference is that you can change them freely.

It was only the very end of SL that you could swap covenants without being punished.

That was the main fail of covenants is that you were locked in and couldn’t change them freely for the majority of expansion.


the game is perfectly balanced, nothing to see here, move along, move along.

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Jadefire Stomp becomes Azurefire Stomp. No other changes. Have a nice day!

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What we know :

Each spec will have 2 tree options with 1 tree clearly designed for that spec.

i was more thinking its like a cosmetic type thing.

You’re really reaching OP, gotta hand it to ya though. Slow day on the forums, always good to bring up a comparison to something GD generally hated.

People who chase the meta are slaves to it. If you make that decision, you forfeit the right to complain about immersion and the class fantasy you like. No game in the history of ever has been “balanced” in the way the term is thrown around. I have no sympathy for anyone who insists on making their character conform line by line to a spreadsheet crying about “choice”. If you play that way, your choice has been made.

There were best choices in Vanilla, and BC, and in every patch of Wrath, and every patch since. The numbers are never going to line up. Ever. When one thing is doing well, it will eventually take a hit and another will rise up. People who insist they should are invested in a myth that has never existed in the 20-year history of the game.

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Huh? Warrior is in a pretty bad spot design-wise and has the least possible amount of party / raid utility in the game. Both specs are occasionally overcapping rage as a part of optimal rotation. Rally is heavily nerfed, worse than any other class who got it’s raid cd nerfed in the last patch or two.

Blizz has also been total radio silence on warrior since 10.0. Warrior didn’t even have an official feedback thread in the 10.1 or 10.2 PTR forums.