Hero Specs

The problem with conduits was the energy system and not being able to swap them out. If they are just talent choices and not built like the conduit system it’d be fine. Also covenant abilities were loved, the covenant renowns and slow questing was hated. Also being locked into one was hated. This won’t be an issue as a hero spec.

Also grinding out conduits was hated… none of those negatives are in this current system so it’s 100% win like the covenants should’ve been.

While the covenant system was a bit of a meh grind, on a thematic level some of them were nice (also on a silly level I liked Wild Spirits because it’s the closest to starfall hunter’s had since… warcraft 3 when it was a hero move for both priestess of the moon and elven ranger)

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Exactly, people didn’t hate the covenant abilities, they hated the attached grinds of getting conduits and upgrading them + the energy and all that garbage. But hero specs wont work liek that at all, so it’d be 100% awesome.

We’ll have to agree to disagree on that one. While some people have been upset by Hero talents I’m honestly pretty excited about them.

Pretty sure there’s at least 2-3 redesigned in each class

Hunters have death chakram and if you spec marksmanship, you have flayed shot

Demon hunters have the hunt, the night fae ability and that one ability from kyrian

Yes some covenant abilities are in the game right now, but there’s 3 hero specs and 4 covenants leaving room to adapt and bring in more. Not saying every class needs them, but classes like Priest would do well to simply reskin Night Fae, Kyrian and Maldraxus for Oracle, Archon, and Voidweaver respectively.

Yes there is. That wheel was a square.

Do expand, what didn’t you like about the abilities specifically?

Other than the only time there was a feeling of choice was because all of the abilities were pretty useless and it didn’t matter which one you picked?

For almost every single spec there was one, maybe two, viable choices and they were the same between raiding, mythic+, and PvP for the most part. Sounds like a pretty terrible wheel when there were four choices and, at most, two were viable.

I see, not sure how other specs played out, but every covenant for Holy Priest was very powerful.

Good thing again though about hero specs is that only 1 option will be available for the spec and it’ll be tuned properly due to that. Like Oracle Priest would play off of the night fae support style and archon could be a damage dealing healer like Kyrian build.

Better imo to tune and work on familiar things than go purely new builds all over again. Blizz wanted to get away from this concept and they’re just doing it all over again. It’ll always be imbalanced at this rate.

Many are already talents… Warriors have Spear of Bastion (recently renamed to Champion’s Spear), for example.

Let’s just not pretend that hero specs are even going to matter. We’re all just going to do whatever some sim says anyway.

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No matter what they do it will always be like that. Even by the end of Shadowlands they hadn’t been properly balanced. Why you think them going back to it would fix it, I don’t know.

I’m just amused that I totally called it months ago on which hero trees they would reveal first. And which red-headed stepchildren would come later and will probably be terrible.

Didn’t many of our conduits and Cov powers become talents anyways?


Seems it was pretty much that or abilities that should just be baseline lol.

My particular problem is with Bonedust Brew for Brewmasters.

I always hated Bonedust Brew.
Most Brewmasters hated Bonedust Brew, which is why so many went Kyrian, instead.
But our damage is tuned around using Bonedust Brew, so we’re stuck using it, despite how unfun and terrible it is.

(it always reminded me of Rune of Power for mages)

They’ve been reusing them, and they will reuse them. I am for it, too.

Ah, that’s fair. I see fellow Arcane Mages still talk about Radiant Spark that way. You like… never not take it. I don’t mind Arcanes rotation specifically, and don’t know other specs well enough, but I can understand the argument. Just creates an illusion of choice, and by extension, why make me spent talents for something required?