Stand-alone specs based on tinker?

Just to give options for classes. Currently there’s only one class that can both ranged DPS and tank. With this, anybody would have those options.

Seems like a bad idea to give everyone an additional spec of your ideal class fantasy though.
Makes much more sense as one class for those who want it.
And those with no interest in the fantasy of tinker doesnt get it thrown on top of them.

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The game does not need to be more complicated

True. But this has been the argument/complaint since DK was added. The argument back then was “why add three DK tank specs [because they all could tank at the time] when they can’t even balance or fix warrior, druid, and paladin tanks?”

I think, at the end of the day, adding DK, monk, DH, and evoker made the game more fun than not, despite endless balance issues.

Woah, pause. What?

I totally agree. In fact I kind of imagine these specs as more basic/streamlined because the game feels so bloated.

It would make sense lore-wise too, because these “gadgets” would need to be simple enough for anyone to pick up.

And it’s a rock solid argument. Instead of adding Monk tanks to the game, they should have actually fixed Druid tanks.

They STILL haven’t fixed Druid tanks.

Lol just me assuming :slight_smile: we will be due for another class after WW. We get a new one every other xpac.

I want a vulcan on my druid, flight form becomes a you-know-what.

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Vulcan druids?

The Great Bird of the Galaxy!

And bear form would be a Sehlat, I assume.

Lol. Commercial goes “WoW: Mists of Pandaria. Experience the mist-shrouded Isle of the Pandaren with the newly fixed feral druid tank: the Panda!” Aaaaand watch the dollar signs fly.

That’s the ongoing and worsening problem with the game’s class design, it’s always centered around marketing instead of around better gameplay.

We’re seeing it again in TWW. What they SHOULD be doing with talents is finishing up the spec trees that are complete crap and have been since Dragonflight launched.

But “we fixed our massive list of mistakes” doesn’t sell well, so instead we get Hero Talents instead, which will:

  1. Introduce brand new problems.
  2. Leave the unfinished talent trees unfinished forever.
  3. Show the usual Blizzard bias towards their favorite classes.

For #3, I called it back in December, and was right. It’s been the usual “Blizzard’s Favorites On Parade” development cycle that we always get.

M61 vulcan machine gun. Aircraft weapon, perfect for Flight form or Boomkin in Flap mode. Werebear could also use it too perhaps.

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Oh, THAT vulcan.

I already dislike that specs other than Holy and Arcane show up for their respective cloth classes.

…I had much crazier ideas like Tinkers can combine their mechs with other Tinkers into something more dangerous. :robot::thought_balloon:

Could still be possible if Mimiron were to invent the class. :crystal_ball::robot:

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I’d say:
-Tank: Mech-suit enhancements focusing Primarily on electrical empowered melee and AoE attacks.

-Ranged DPS: Mech-suit that enhances Ranged Weapons plus bombs, mines and rockets!

-Healer: Mech-suit that disperses anti-toxins, anti-sleep, and HoT mists as they fly by and have a long range Bandage Gun.

The Mech-suits would be their armour.

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So like FFXIV. Your class is dictated by your weapon. Swap weapons and you swap classes.

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I think your idea is interesting but would add way too much complication as is.

Maybe as an either/or situation as in can be a tinker tank using a mechasuit with a forcefield-type shield and a single cannon that shoots out fire, frost, arcane, fel and shadow to various effects (ie frost-stun, arcane for fear, fire-instant direct damage, fel for delayed dot, shadow for aoe, ect) or their class with actual weapons.

But, honestly, I want a real tinker for my future Vulpera.

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Yeah that’s what I was thinking. If you swap to a tinker spec , you lose all of your class stuff and now you are just the tinker.

Totally agree would be way too complex otherwise.