Get an Early Look at Hero Talents in The War Within

Can ignore the name, or leave feedback right now before we even get into Alpha testing. I’m choosing to leave feedback.


It’s all passives most likely to be. And not include any active spells.

Yes yes very neat but do we get gladiator stance back?


“One thing that we’re keeping a close eye on is complexity. Classes in WoW have a lot of abilities and talents, and there’s a lot to learn about each one. We want Hero Talents to add new fun without creating new burdens, either in customizing or playing a character. Most Hero Talent trees do not add new buttons that players will need to add to their action bar or find a new keybind for. ”

This confirms no additional buttons will be added and so it confirms its passives only.

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Currently Holy Armaments is a target location spell with 2 charges and Rite of Sanctification & Rite of Adjuration works like the Shaman weapon imbues.

Unless they change it down the line.

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Am I surprised they’re leading with Warrior & Paladin?

Nope. In fact, I called it a week ago:

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Wasn’t Druid the first tree they showed at Blizzcon?

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These are very well not set in stone and they would need to change those to be passive and not include any actives. Not unless these will replace existing spells. But if it’s not then they will have to redesign to be made passives only.

Yeah, we’ll see where they go from here. It’s still early.

(stares at Blizzard with her 3 action bars full of spells)

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Lightsmith sounds clunky please don’t make it something i have to place just make it something that drops or buff the xyz party members. Over all it doesn’t sound to bad it is a good starting point and it might be better then it sounds. But man having to place stuff when tanking is a pain

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A couple thoughts:

  • I know people consider Orc Blademasters to be a warrior thing, but in my opinion they’ve always been a Monk fantasy. Zero armor, monk beads, Mirror Image is basically Storm, Earth, and Fire, and Wind Walk is literally the name of a monk spec. I wouldn’t mind seeing Blademaster as the Brewmaster/Windwalker spec that made a bunch of the monk abilities (like Fists of Fury or Tiger Palm) into Sword strikes. You’d have to give 2H Swords to Monks, but personally I think that’s fine.
  • San’layn oozes flavor. I really like how creepy and gross it came out, and I think the whole “Proc turns your major ability into something else” mechanic is chef’s kiss.
  • Chronowarden is kind of hard to parse, but I like the basic ideas it has. A lot of it seems really powerful.
  • Lightsmith seems like a support spec and I really like it, but I also think having to physically click on armaments in the field is going to suck. It reminds me of old TBC Lightwell; people aren’t going to do it and I’m going to feel bad about it.
  • Mountain Thane looks really cool. I like how it leans a little more on Storm Drakes and Thorim for its flavor, but considering we just did a quest where the Storm Drakes left the Valar’jar it feels inconsistent lorewise. The class’s talents don’t have a ton of dwarf influence, which I like. I can tolerate one talent name. The capstone seems incredible for fury, especially if that free Avatar also procs Titan’s Torment / Titan’s Recklessness.

Lightsmith is apparently one of the exceptions since their root node is an active. But you have to choose to be a lightsmith, so I think that’s OK (as long as the other tree isn’t too weak). It might be bad for a spec to be caught between two hero talent trees that both add actives, though.

It does look very cool, but I wonder if people will fight about the damage armament the way they fight about Power Infusion…

P.S. Is there any reason for Mountain Thane to appeal to a tank? It’s literally just damage procs for the entire tree, right? I know everyone is effectively a DPS on top of their actual role, but that’s what they have to be, not what they want to be. “Your lightning damage has X% extra leech” would give Prot more reason to care about calling down more thunder and be a nice but not massive perk for Fury.

A LOT of that tree involves buffing Avatar or giving Avatar, which includes a 20% damage reduction. There’s also a lot of rage generation in the Lightning Strikes, which is going to give Protection more resources to spend on Ignore Pain and Shield Block.

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Best addition to game since legion imo. Basically what covenants could have been if done right.

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Not sure about Lightsmith. I think finding and clicking on an object might be more of a hinderance with the amount of spell effects in your average dungeon/raid encounter. Maybe you just need to run over them? I guess we will see.

I do like buffing my team though so more of that is welcome.


Will look at this more Garbage!

Fix pvp BGs

I wonder if the end product will be a passive AoE Roll the Bones where people within # yards will get random armaments every # seconds lol.

Clearly you haven’t played Warrior during DF, warrior hasn’t been touched by the devs since very early season 1, fury warrior in particular has seen next to zero changes since the start of the expansion (minus losing a stack of the buff of Reckless Abandon making the spec even more brain dead than before)


Baine. Thank you, hero, for helping us. Here I give you a hero point for being the bestest hero :crazy_face: :beer: Can’t wait to get champion talents in the expansion after war within :wink:

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It won’t make it to live. Paladins will be oppressed again and again