Any update on Character Restoration?

With character restoration still being disabled (is there an update on this?) there also seems to be a bug when deleting characters. I was trying to delete my level 1 monk that shared a name with main (was on a separate server) to free up the name for an earthen and it instead deleted my main. I don’t know if it selected the wrong character because I was on a different “realm” but I clearly saw the monk standing in the dwarf starting zone and when I hit delete my warrior from my warband disappeared.

Is the solution to this to just kick rocks? Feel like its been weeks since we saw a formal response to this.


Maybe they had the same name, but the deletion confirmation window also mentions the level and the class of the character you’re about to delete.

That was an issue that was fixed the first day, so it shouldn’t be happening anymore. If you believe you have come across another such situation, please be sure to report it.

Outside of, it is being worked on, we just don’t have any additional information. An ETA on when the character undelete will be brought back isn’t available but the moment it is, it will be posted.

This remains a top priority.


Thank you that is good to hear that’s its still being worked on. Currently still cannot play my warrior but I have alts I’m putting around on until it gets fixed. Hopefully this month otherwise I’ll just unsub and wait no point in progressing on a toon I’m not trying to main and if it goes too long I’ll be so far behind it wont really be worth it.


Ok, that’s good to hear. I was really worried about deleting characters after hearing that people highlighted one character and it deleted another.

for me, it deleted the caracter at the top of my list, my main i’ve had forever, instead of the random toon my kid made that was at the bottom of my character list. when asked to confirm it, it showed all info for the one i was trying to actually delete so i went through with it. hopefully it’s resolved soon

The best way to go about deleting characters is to remove ALL of the characters from the Favorites group. Then only place the character to be deleted in the Favorites group.

That is how I have been deleting characters and have had no issues.


Yeah I hear that’s the safest way. But Vrak said that bug should have been fixed.


Hopefully it is. However, I will continue to do the method I described (just to be safe).


This is exactly what happened to me, it deleted the top character in my list, my main that I’ve been doing everything on. Super deflating. Sub runs out in a week and honestly might just let it lapse.

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I believe characters permanently delete after 90 days? Hoping, at the least, that’s disabled as well in the meantime…

It depends on their levels. Level 50+ are never purged.

A character is eligible for restoration depending on its level at the time you deleted it:

Under level 10*, or a Class Trial No
Between levels 10 and 29 Yes, within 90 days of deletion.
Between levels 30 and 49 Yes, within 120 days of deletion.
Level 50 or higher Yes

*Note: Allied races and Hero classes can’t be restored if deleted at their starting levels.


i cant get in the game now .

Are you getting any error messages?

Have you restarted the game and launcher?

Had you done anything prior to logging into game?


Whenever I try to restore a character, after clicking the icon to do so, the entire game freezes up and ends up crashing on me. It starts to show it’s going to load the list but freezes.

I’d start with a reboot, game and launcher.

A proper reset UI wouldn’t hurt.

If you still see this after those two troubleshooting steps, posting in Bugs would be best.

Edit: You also need to be on the realm of the character you are trying to undelete.


Those solutions didn’t work but I appreciate the response. I’ll go make a post in the Bugs sections.

Please include information like if the character was deleted before or after the Warbands were introduced. That might be an important factor.


i was able to restore my rogue from stormrage, but when i try to restore my horde rogue on tichondrius i get an error

“there was a problem restoring your deleted character. please try again later”.

happy i got my main back tho


You logged into game between attempts - and you were logged on the realm of the second character at the time?