Any update on Character Restoration?

Is there still a cool down on undeleting characters?

Getting the same error on certain characters like Goonrage is expereincing. Some restore and some donā€™t. Already checked if names are taken. Already checked and made sure I was on the correct realm. Etc. No dice. :frowning_face:

Only 60 seconds, but if you are doing more than one, youā€™ll want to log into the game in between them


yup logged into game between attempts, and yes im on the correct realm. also did a full reboot of bnet app and logging into WoW

If you could post over in the Bug forum for QA - that would be great.

Include the character name/realm - if it was pre or post Warbands would also likely be good information (when it was deleted)



Tried all this still not working for me

Could they submit a ticket for GM assistance, since the self-help option failed for them?

This is the link for a support ticket to restore a character for anyone who needs it:

Got a ticket in myself still 24hour wait time. Hoping it wonā€™t be the same copy paste they always give people.

Itā€™s possible that the first response will be an auto-reply. If that happens, Just reopen the ticket.


I wouldnā€™t mind auto reply if the wait time wasnā€™t days on end and I been waiting almost a month already lol.

Heh hehā€¦ understandable. But hopefully this will eventually get you back on track.
