Anduin should be gay

I’m LGBT, and YES, you are stereotyping, and YES,
you are making us all look worse.


I don’t care about sexual orientation in a fictionalized fantasy universe. Not every thing has to be inclusive. It’s a game, not real life.


Mathias Shaw is already the LBGT bait character for the main Alliance figures.

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Anduin has openly discussed marrying a woman out of love, and has shown romantic interest in women in the past.

However, I would not be shocked if he was bisexual.

Anduin is a gentle, compassionate, and kind male character. I hope that doesn’t automatically stereotype him as gay. Too often, I think men who sway towards a kinder nature are stereotyped as gay and it’s important we don’t bend to stereotypes.


I would love him to turn out like Renly Baratheon from Game of Thrones. It’d be interesting to see a take like that on a major character like Anduin.

My question here is … Why? Like, what’s the deal with that? In my personal opinion I don’t care who Anduin bangs (women, men, dragons, orcs, elves, etc…) if he ends up in a relationship good, but that shouldn’t be a focus in the story, the way you’re asking him to be gay just sounds like wanting to give a spotlight to a new gay character (ok, sidenote here, I don’t care about anyone’s sexual orientation, you can like potatoes if you want, that’s your choice and I respect it, as long as it’s not something out of the place as liking minors I support it). Most of my gay friends hate this kind of suggestions, because it just make the LGTBQ community seems as radicals as some feminists (another sidenote, I support the equality of all genders, but I hate the radicals of some movements, no matter which one).

Political correctness does more harm than good most of the time.

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Simply because we don’t have any major lgbt characters in the game that play a big role. It’d be a nice change imo. I’d find it cute and it would be something different. It wouldn’t be the main focus of WoW but would be a good enough story to make a lasting impression on the game. Yes, I think there should be more spotlights for lgbt characters new or established. There’s nothing radical about wanting more representation in the game.

No, there’s nothing “radical” about wanting more representation, but it is pathetic. And I’m LGBT, so spare me the “hater” comments. I validate my own life MYSELF, I don’t need validation from a video game, nor representation in a video game, nor approval from ANYONE, ANYWHERE, AT ANY TIME.

It’s my life, I’m LGBT and proud of it, and I don’t care
what ANYONE thinks at ANY TIME - and I’m confident in who i am - i dont need a game to show me anything about my personal life.

Nor do I project my identity in everything aorund me, and demand everyone respect who I am. Respect is up to ME, not anyone else.

Sorry, but this “representatioin” nonsense realy gets to me,
and makes the whole community appear rather pathetic.
And i’m part of it.


if thats the case, you should start having gay relationships with your male friends just because of the amount of contact you have with them since you are giving us the same reason for anduin and wrathion

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It’s pathetic to have lgbt characters in the game, but it’s fine to have straight characters? That’s great you feel confident in yourself. Adding lgbt characters in the game isn’t to validate anyones feelings or demand respect. It’s to add more diversity in a game. Good story, gameplay and diversity can all be in the same ecosystem.

Wrathion is like eight years old. You sicko.

I agree. They should also add some disabled and physically unattractive human characters. For realism and diversity.

Also, why are none of the important human NPCs bald? When in real life so many are? Pretty non-inclusive IMO.

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Do you need more hugs? :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

That would be illegal.

The only thing illegal about it would be how cute and adorable it’d be.

I didn’t say it was pathetic to HAVE LGBT characters in the game - I said it’s pathetic for our community to DEMAND THEM for “representation”


You deserve a round of applause sir :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:


Hell no, we have enough gays in the game. wtf is in the water in azeroth

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When have I demanded anything? Is making a suggestion or wanting something to be included in the game “demanding”?

You’ve lost this debate - everyone knows you’re making us look bad.