Anduin should be gay

I’m trying to figure out where I demanded anything. :woman_shrugging:

to overgeneralize like that is offensive to lgbt folk imo.

also it’s just silly…like i said. way overly broad.

can’t a character be sensitive and emotional without being gay? my god


Can we just shut this down? It’s just become circlejerking for the last 600 posts.


Im LGBT. And you are right about this - every character in tune with their emotions in fiction is immediately jumped on by my community on reddit, etc as 'omfgherd (fill in the blank) is actually LGBT".

I facepalm at that, and IM LGBT.

The one that irks me the most: Steve Rogers unending friendship with Bucky in the movies. He’s been friends with this guy since childhood but “ofmgherd they’re really lovers” — facepalm.

can’t have a platonic same sex deep loving friendship without it being physical.



I guess we just agree to disagree. :woman_shrugging:

I think there should be more lgbt characters in the game. That’s all there is to it.

You know it’s pretty toxic thinking you should be able to dictate anything’s sexuality

I’m sure you wouldn’t like it if I thought you should be straight


It’s not dictating if there’s no indication of a character being lgbt or not. It’s simply something I’d like see explored and I don’t see why it can’t be.

Why does this smell like a troll.

He is a pure chaste paladin.

Go up to a person of which you don’t know there sexuality and tell them you think you’d like them to explore that side of sexuality and see how it goes

I don’t think anyone should be suggesting anyone’s sexuality or saying they should explore it

Fictional or not

I could get into this heavily land-mined and booby-trapped thread, with the gusto of a Moblin hungry for bait; but you and others already have said handily what I would of said in probably several long-winded paragraphs.


It’s his choice to show/express his sexual orientation.

I dident know he wasent

That would mean the end of the Wrynn dynasty.

He is confirmed straight. He has a thing for Draenei girls and Dwarven maidens.

I can’t blame the guy.

I’m okay with that. Sometimes change is needed. If Anduin did happen to be gay or bi he could simply adopt another heir to the throne. That would make an interesting story imo. Those who say only kings of blood heirs can dictate only say so because that’s what they’ve been taught. It’s not impossible, it’s just close-minded folk who can’t accept a progressive view. :woman_shrugging:

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No, make him Bi, we exist too.

When did Arduino have a thing for Draenei and Dwarves? I am pleased by that.

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That doesn’t mean he’s straight. He could be bi. He was never confirmed straight.

But it means he ain’t gay.