Community Council Needs to be Anonymous

I stated that I don’t care about sexual orientation in a fictionalized fantasy universe because I don’t. Whether or not Anduin is or isn’t gay doesn’t matter to me. Why doesn’t it matter to me? Because I care about the story, not about whether or not someone is gay or heterosexual. I don’t look at someone and care what their sexual orientation is, because it’s unimportant to me.

The same is true in real life. Whether they be family, friends, acquaintances, neighbors, enemies, I don’t care what their sexual orientation is because it doesn’t matter. To me, they’re people, human beings.

When I said, "Not every thing has to be inclusive, it’s a game, not real life. That stems from my first sentence of me not caring about the sexual orientation of a character in World of Warcraft. That’s not me saying, “Hey, I don’t think anyone in the game should be allowed to be of lgbt representation”. I just said I don’t care one way or another what their sexual orientation.

I’m not going to go back and forth with you about this. If you want to believe otherwise, that is your absolute prerogative. One thing I’ve never done on here over the years is get into a war on the forums, nor will I ever. At the same time if someone is trying to say something about me, I feel I have a right to defend myself and that’s what I did.

I have friends of all sexual orientations, I didn’t ask them what their sexual orientation was before I started talking to them. Again, why? Because it doesn’t matter to me because it’s unimportant. I like people, their way of life is part of what makes them unique and who they are, that’s all I care about.

I am sorry if my comments insulted anyone, I by all means had no ill intention in that post. Thank you.