Allied races for Worgen and undead: Nelf Worgen and San'layn

The Alliance could get night elven worgen alongside the san’layn for Horde. Think about it before thinking they are just elves. More options for worgen customization and aesthetics. A completely different culture that had been isolated from the world for their monstrous bloodshed. They could be called Alpha worgen, Feral Worgen, or maybe even the Nightbane Worgen. Being the original bearers of the worgen curse, they’ll likely have strengths and abilities that are unique and have not been altered or diluted due to their worship of Goldrinn.

Maybe an inborn ability that lets them shadowmeld while hunting their prey. The cloaking and ambush ability rogues posses may be a natural racial of theirs, regardless of your chosen class. Or maybe they’d have a berserker ability called “Goldrinn’s rage” that allows them to do more damage and unleash a flurry of clawed strikes toward their enemies that could cause bleeding or cursed damage over time. Or the ability to summon the wild god himself to aid you in battle for a time. Remember, this allied race would probably be veterans to the war of the satyr, or at least their descendants who passed down their ferocious nature.

Also, San’layn racials. Maybe a passive that allows great strength and haste at night. Or hypnotic ability that allows you a few free shots until the spell wears off. Or better yet, make your enemy fight their own allies. Or a bite ability that acts like a disease that would make your enemies slow and sluggish and do damage over time. If these moves sound like the ultimate devices of a troll that just wants to pester and annoy you, then you’d be right. What can I say, vampires “suck.”

These two would be a classic “werewolves vs vampire” type scenario. Both parties had been weapons shaped by their times and had proven themselves formidable in Warcrafts history. The time is perfect for these two to make a return, war is after-all, what they were made for. Circumstances of war demand there be monsters, this time in WoW’s story, I can think of no other creatures more appropriate.

Three forums on the same topic:

and her updated Thread:

Let’s show our support, and make it happen.


Do we really need more elves?


Not elves, undead and worgen. Technically these two don’t even count as elves anymore if you consider humans who became worgen and undead as still humans.


Naturally I support this, of course. Thanks for linking our thread too, I appreciate it ^^


Thank you for making it, I love your ideas.


Semantics effort is A+

But you know what I mean.

Sanlayn are just night elves that look a little funkier than normal.

And Nelve worgen would just be purple worgen at the best of times. with added elf form to fill it up.

The difference between your human argument and this is that we haven’t had 3+ human races added in already.


To clear up misconceptions:

" The San’layn (sometimes spelled in lowercase, also known as the Darkfallen )[1][2][3] are vampyr blood elves"


I will always advocate the plus of a possible nelf worgen allied race.


San’layn were blood elves in life. Now as undead abominations, they’re vampires. Definitely shakes things up, and would play very differently from the zombie like reanimated corpses we play now. They were twisted by the lich kings magic, and were at one point raid bosses in WoW’s history. They’ve proven a powerful force all their own, monsters who have proven cunning and resourceful.

Same with nelf worgen, they were night elves once, but after an encounter with the curse they became something more. Locked away into the emerald dream for the threat they posed to the world, true beasts to behold in ferociousness and brutality.

You get what I’m saying, they’re not just elves anymore, it was apart of who they’d once been, but not anymore. We’d have literal monsters fighting in the faction war. What wouldn’t be awesome about that?


Nah, no San’layn. All that rubbish about High Elves being too similar to Blood Elves applies to them and Void Elves. They’ll just look like Void Elves with red eyes.

And would be much better to get proper customization for Worgen than going with a grind wall on top of race changes required for a few options. It was dumb with Lightforged and it will be dumb with Night Elf Worgen.


I naturally support any thread advocating for San’layn, but I like your ideas for Nelf Worgen too. They could easily be far more monstrous than the human worgen counterparts we currently have.


Considering that I am a dwarf I am obligated to say the following.

No. More. Elves.

Thank you.


To you and the dwarf, again, not technically elves. Looks like elves, definitely good for Rp, and new cosmetics, but aren’t really. Worgen and undead would be their technical terms. They no longer adhere to the culture of the elves, their “gifts” have made them their own people.


Trust me, you’re going to get a lot of the “No more elves!” parrots that don’t bother to actually read about the lore, or look into ideas on how the curse effects these people. At this point I just shrug and ignore them. Showing Blizzard that we support these ideas, and further giving more ideas, is better I think than just flat out declining for an arbitrary reason like that.

The kicker is, people that do that tend to not even support the other races they want added in game–or put no effort to do so. It takes more effort to constantly yell “no!” than take the time to read or write a “yes”.

Edit: Also easier to be insulting I guess and put down others, clearly.


A dead elf is still an elf and a pupper elf is still an elf, fido.

Seriously though, worgen nelves could be neat. No San’layn though, please. We have enough edgelords.


To the OP - I LOVE your idea for Night Elf Worgen! I’ve also been very supportive of Fallynn’s San’layn Megathread as well, so I support BOTH of you!


We don’t need elves the same way we don’t need chocolate chip cookies. However, we’re damn thankful for having at least one, and we eagerly await mountains more if possible.


no it doesn’t? san’layn on the horde doesn’t involve the horde hijacking any alliance races. and worgen are getting proper customization? :sleepy:


They are just elves. Dead elves that we already have playable with Death Knights.

Which should be given to the current playable worgen and not an entirely different “race” of worgens like they did with Lightforged Draenei and regular Draenei.

See this is the main crux of these “suggestions”. They do not fit in with what the Horde and Alliance are suppose to be because neither of those factions are evil (at least they are not suppose to be). But people keep on bringing these ideas that runs counter to the identify of those factions, as if these races are “free agents” just waiting to be signed by a new team.

Evil races should not ever be part of the Horde or Alliance. Ever.


Yes, please I love the idea of Night Elf Worgen/Druids of the scythe.

I’ve always wanted to see that race. I envision them being much more savage than any normal Night Elf or Worgen.

I still think with the burning of Teldrassil, Malfurion should release them from their slumber to do some killing. The Alliance need more edge, Night elves don’t have that, So bring out the first Worgen instead.

It’s too perfect not to add them, They are finally giving Worgen their model update, so why not bring out a Worgen Allied Race?