<A>/<H> Weekenders Raiding recruiting for Mythic+ KSMs and Raiders!

Join us for more fun and new adventures! We are a mixture of players, old and new, horde and alliance. Many of us are Day One players and are older than the average WoW player. We enjoy all aspects of the game: Mythic+ (“baby” keys and KSM)? AoTC Raiding? Pets? PVP/Warmode? Achievements? Mounts? Reps? We do that.

We do not “police” or “manage” adults. We ask that you be 25yo+ and be focused on the game: We are playing the game to have fun, enjoy each other’s company, and win! Please avoid discussion of politics/religion/controversy and keep it positive by avoiding excessive profanity.
It goes without saying but I have found it is necessary to mention that we expect you to abide by the Social Contract in game/in Discord as well. And of course, this Community prohibits recruitment activities and LFM raid activities that conflict/compete/are not organized by Weekenders Leaders.

ACTIVITIES/RAID TIMES: Mon/Wed/Thurs/Fri Community activities are 2 hours, weekend raids are 2.5 hours


Tuesday 8p activities Mythic 10+ dungeon groups (for timers)

Wednesday 8p activities: Mythic 15+ dungeon groups (for timers)

Monday 8p activities: “Baby Keys” Mythic 2-9 dungeon groups; Timewalking when up

Friday 8p: Friday Fun Raid! Fresh, Normal Raid!

Saturday/Sunday 130-4p Progression raid:
Current Progress: Check RaiderIO
Saturday/Sunday group is open to all members who are open to suggestions for improvement and meet minimum item level requirements and have: BigWigs/DBM/Discord working, and the willingness to work as a team throughout progression. There’s no yelling, no arguing, and we simply ask that you follow/listen to directions, as well as 1:1 feedback. We WILL focus on AotC.

Current Needs: Community members willing to organize and attend PVP (rated and non-rated) activities, including Warmode activities! We can always use more Community members to participate in all our well attended Mythic+ activities!

Contact: Chelives#1291, Cheheals, Chelives, Chelito…all the Che’s on Gilneas server!


Over 250 members and growing! Come join us and enjoy a relaxed, successful environment that’s positive and fun!

Working on Anduin in a large raid of 20+! C’mon and join the fun!

I am definitely interested in joining your community! Can non raiders join?

Hi Soma! Yes! We not only need more Mythic+ players but also players willing to organize and hold PVP events during the week! Let me know if the link above works (it should, according to Blizz, be a permanent link now). If not please use my BNet info CheLives#1291 so I can send you a personal invite. Thanks and we look forward to having you join our Community!

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We have updated our post to make sure everyone knows we are ready to recruit ALL factions once 9.2.5 hits! The future looks bright :sunglasses:

Bump for 300+ members! Come join our active, fun community and enjoy the Weekend(er) feel every day! :wink:

I’m Horde so currently can’t join up but hopefully with the cross faction! I’ve been looking for a community/guild that does afternoon est stuffs do to my work schedule and I think this will work out well :smiley:

I’d like some clarification on the Saturday/Sunday raids though. I’d really like to join up but would be unable to join the Friday Fun Run raids. I don’t have a whole lot of experience with raiding but would like to get into it more. Gear shouldn’t be an issue and I feel like I’d meet the other requirements to join. Could I always join up and if it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t work out?


Edit to add: I also like to run some Mythic Plus, though again starting to dip into it more. Pugging is very toxic, especially if you aren’t a meta class heh. I do not do any sort of pvp whatsoever and will run around like a headless chicken if in that environment :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m usually on about every day from 1pm-5pm est

Hi Jeys! Friday Fun Raid participation is not required for joining Sat/Sun progression raids. It is mostly for new members to get to know us/for alts to gear/for clearing bosses not needed Sat/Sun, and for just messin’ around and having fun!

Our assumption for Sat/Sun is that you use you have a raid addon such as BigWigs/DBM installed, Discord working, have reviewed all strats for the bosses we are killing on ReadyCheckPull YouTube, and use Mythic Trap (https://mythictrap.com/home) to help with background knowledge.

We look forward to having you join in our activities, at whatever level you are comfortable with. Can’t wait for 9.2.5! :grinning:

Have used all of those but Mythic Trap, I’ll give that one a look.

And yes, 9.2.5 can’t come soon enough indeed.

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Bump for 350+ members! Come join our active, fun community and enjoy the Weekend(er) feel every day! :wink:

Horde members are welcome to join our inclusive, respectful, and active Community!

We are 10/11 Normal SoFO and 2/11 Heroic. LFM to join in the fun!

Next week!

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Bump for 9.2.5 and 11/11 Normal SoFO! We just need you to get us to AotC!

Well I tried joining but am getting an error code saying cross faction isn’t enabled for this community. Since the game was down all day its highly likely no one has been on to enable it, I’ll try again later. Just hope it isn’t a glitch in their system!

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Hi Jeys! I tested it today (6/1/22) with my horde alt. He was able to join. I made some manual changes to the invite link and it fixed it!

Hope you have the patience to try again!

Worked just fine now :slight_smile:

Hi Che. Just joined on my rdruid. Mostly interested in keys at this point, but I’ll help with raid when my schedule allows.

Also joined :slight_smile: Ton of alts and stuff

Great to have you all with us! Plenty of room for more!

Heya I joined as well. I’m not super great at the game but, going forward I wanted to make more friends without having to leave my RL friends behind so this community is perfect for me. Also your raid schedule is perfect for a friend of mine so I might have to send another your way.