AH ban complaint

It’s my first time and possibly last time making a post, simply to express my frustration. Yes, it’s simply a complaint about my experience with account restriction last weekend. Not expecting any response or improvement from Blizzard as we all know they don’t care about player’s feelings/opinions just like how it was 10 years ago.

For those who aren’t under restriction, you might not truly understand the frustration of this stupid soft-ban unless it really happens to you. I read all the comments and this is how people feel IN GAME:

  1. people selling materials playing with their bags full and waiting for the value of mats to decrease

  2. inconvenience for no buying from AH, needless to explain [my experience]

  3. can’t transfer gold between characters. I played my new character without mount when I reach 40 [my experience]

  4. have to quit the fresh guild raid planned, needless to explain [my experience]

  5. new players just started P3 forced to play self fond, for a month, which is almost half of a phase

What’s worse is how people feel NOT IN GAME

  1. they should’ve enjoy their gameplay during their weekends, but last weekend they spent hours looking for solutions [my experience]

  2. they also spent hours looking for reasons [my experience]

  3. kept waiting for ticket response while your staffs enjoyed the weekend [my experience]

  4. people saying they got the response “breaking ToS”. Easily making me uncomfortable although I didn’t receive it [my experience]

  5. Zero information provided in advance. The only official response is so unnoticeable that a lot of victims in my chat group still don’t know what happened

That’s it. No apologies nor compensation of course. Guess if people are banned from social interactions in game, they will start social interactions on forums. Pretty sure you add a lot of social elements to this game, yes?

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Wasn’t this just a bugged that leaked from HC selffound mode?
Most people I know had it fixed within a day.

Might wanna check the CS forums before claiming they don’t care about the situation.

I get that complaining is easier.

Yeah I guess Blizzard has decided SoD doesn’t have new players, because I don’t know why they would ever do this otherwise.

Sure, it’ll probably kill botting completely, but a full month of being forced to play Solo Self Found in a 20 year old MMO will also kill any new player retention entirely as well.

At this point, Blizzard must be looking at new account numbers and thinking to themselves “well we only have a few dozen real people sign up for new accounts to play SoD per month anyways, so might as well pull the trigger.”

Its a phenomenal way of fighting botting, but its like shooting yourself in the arm with a shotgun to get rid of skin cancer. You might get rid of the skin cancer, but you also got rid of the arm.


No, as it turns out it was a bug that leaked from SoD’s new account restrictions. We all got hit with it when we weren’t supposed to, but effectively every single new wow account has to wait 30 days before they can do anything regarding Trading in Season of Discovery.

Bros… This was a bug… It happened to everyone and it was not intended. It was addressed on X and fixed itself after you logged out long enough for you cache to clear.

The fact that it effected everyone was a bug. The new policy hitting any new wow account is working as intended.

Sounds like extending the free trial restrictions to live accounts. Verges on heavy handed but hey, people wanted them to handle bots, hopefully this does something.

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Yeah its kind of a soft lock of Season of Discovery as a whole tbh. Sort of in the same way that Blizzard locked new character creation on Chaos Bolt and allowed free transfers.

This policy is Blizzard saying “we don’t think enough completely new people are going to join SoD, so we’re going nuclear option on botting and gold selling.”

Once their next couple of ban waves go out, the bots will likely dry up massively.

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This could mean that, it could also be linked to information we do not, and probably wont, have. We know that botters use new accounts like burner phones. They run it till it’s banned and move to a new one. I do wonder how they will combat stolen accounts as those are also used for botting purposes.

This could be Blizzard seeing a correlation between new accounts and account actions for abuse of economy/RMT.

I try not to go directly towards the “Blizzard is the bad guy here” option when I can, this doesn’t seem like they’re attacking the player base, but trying to see if they can do more to combat botting. It is slightly nuclear but I think they may be backed into a corner on this pretty heavy.

This is 100% that yes. That much isn’t even debatable imo.

Everyone knows that’s how bots work. That’s how they’ve worked in WoW for the past 20 years.

But Blizzard has never gone this far in any version of WoW before. For them to do this, the numbers of new accounts being made just to play Season of Discovery must be so low that Blizzard doesn’t believe it will dig into their bottom line.


i didnt read this. go to the customer service forum if you want a response. This fofum is for whining and moan. So maybe your post does belong here. If you want an actual answer. CS forum. Whining, youre in the right place.

Their response was “log out for 12 hours. It won’t fix the problem but it will reduce the number of complaints for a little while.”

Oh the response is subpar, however it is the current avenue for information on this as it updates. Could be something else going on that needs looked at but I have no idea.

Complaining is not only easier, it’s more effective.

How has this not affected my main but on my alt I am restricted from everything? Make it make sense blizzard

ehhhhhhh yes and no. The way people complain here? not effective, the way normal people put forward a complaint? usually effective in at least being heard.

How’s that accepting your fate working out for you?

That’s your take away from what I said?

Too bad really.

Is your alt on a separate account?