AH ban complaint

I read your OP in another thread. You did nothing prior to showing up to complain. You did not look in the CS or bug report forums and you have two posts.

You chose to do nothing but cry instead of look for possible solutions/information. You wanted just to complain, nothing constructive was in your post then or now.

If you had actually done some level of looking into this maybe we would have been spared your two useless posts. This entire situation seems to be one big mistake/error, if this is how you handle surprise issues in an optional video game I would hate to see you in real life when you hit a minor inconvenience.

Also masked profanity is still profanity.

No, I have only ever had one account and it is like 10 months old

Are you locked out of trading? Are you effected in any way? Because it seems like you dont see the merrit in complaints because the subject matter is a huge inconvenience to everyone experiencing it but you. That would be like saying " oh , something is holding your head beneath the water? you should’ve taken swimming lessons". Looking up the issue where blizzard makes no statement to rectify the situation doesn’t change the situation. And for something that is a “big mistake/error” blizzard has given two conflicting answers. Error, and their attempt at anti botting. Which one is it since youve done more research then the rest of us that spent the weekend reading through countless forums and reddit posts for answers, tried multiple ways to rectify it etc with no success.

Hmmm, definitely time to put a ticket in. That sucks either way.

Check out this post. Many new-er accounts or ones who have purchased game time recently were flagged and restricted. Probably something to do with whatever duping/gold exploid bug I heard about days ago related to incursions and dual specs.

Moved to Europe about 2 years ago - finally gave up waiting for Blizzard to amalgamate in-game assets and took the leap, thereby abandoning my 18 year old account.

Picked up The War Within - Epic Edition for 90 Euros, figured I’d play SOD until Pandaria Remix came out. I make my new character and off to the leveling races I go. Trying to be nice, I tried to trade someone I saw mining a few extra copper I had in my bags.

Action restricted… what?

Here I am in the forums in disbelief that Blizzard would put in jeopardy the experience of new/returning players by taking away a MASSIVE element of the game otherwise creating a huge deficit in the experience.

How about using the retail game version I have as validation? I doubt a bot would have the War Within Epic edition?

Blizzard, think about this. You’re taking the money of these players and withholding a major element of the game until another month is paid.

By those standards, I’d be leasing a vehicle and the dealership withholds my ability to turn the radio on and enjoy my drive until my 2nd lease payment. Sure the radio’s not a fundamental function of the car, but such a feature is included in the price I pay??

Not to mention withholding that information from the lease agreement??

Please reconsider this.